Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11


"How are we going to explain how we got here?" I asked, taking the crutches from the backseat, getting out to set them in front of Rowan.

"Toby drove us, I don't see the problem."

"Three weeks ago, he was in a coma!" I huffed, opening the passenger door to the black Corsa.

"As a precaution, Bran. Besides, he was given the all-clear." Rowan shrugged.

"That doesn't explain why he was driving your car." I took an arm and tugged him to his feet. We had already dismissed the wheelchair in the boot, he said his leg didn't even hurt anymore, but we used the crutches to keep up appearances.

Because he's almost ready to shift. Terra muttered.

"Because he's such a dear friend. I needed some fresh air after being discharged."

"Yes, and in a town with the nearest cinema a half hour train ride away, fresh air is so hard to come by."

"Now don't be a smartass, I am infirm."

I plonked him down on a picnic bench with a roll of my eyes. This abandoned forest walk was deemed 'too dangerous' for the public, so was stopped, but not before the car park and signage were built. Teenagers often came here with their parents at night to practice learning to drive in a safe place, but during the day it was often desolate.

"Tobs, do you not think our Bran has become a grump recently."

He scoffed, opening the boot," I'm not even going there; I want to keep my good looks."

Toby still looked worse for wear, only being discharged just hours ago. Mr. White had already been made to go back to work, so we said we'd ensure he was supervised by at least one of us when he had to work. He didn't have to worry though, the black bruising around his neck and the side of his face were now a pale green and yellow, the scar across his hairline would disappear with the dissolving stitching, should he shift too.

And he will. She said firmly, dead certain.

I'm not going into this again today, just leave it. I grumbled internally.

I went to help him unload the stuff onto the table: A cooler of picnic food to silence the lug with the cast, a notebook, pens and a stopwatch, and several bottles of water. It was time to test my power, and I was so ready for it.

Rowan tugged a sandwich towards him, and flipped through the notebook with a scowl," Why do I have to take notes?"

"Because you can't do anything else right now." I gestured to the leg he had propped up on one side of the table.

"Why must you mock the sick, Miss. Warren?"

I grabbed the pack of sausage rolls and tore it open, a grin on my face.

"So, I just want to fill out these details. You were 5'0 in March, before all this, right?" Toby had swiped the notebook before Rowan could coat it in mayonnaise.


"And now you're just over 5'4, which is massive for a teenager who's supposedly stopped growing." He jotted it down.

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