Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7


Two weeks later, I was finally able to get out of bed, but I was still left with a clouded mind. I wasn't sure what had happened in that alley anymore, those nightmares must surely have no truth to them, right?But at the same time, the teeth marks on the palm of my hand tingled through the bandages and gauze. Who...bit people like that? Maybe they were drug addicts, I hear that meth can make people go berserk. I thought, trying to resist the urge to pick at the bandage to sneak a peek. 

I instead tried to take a quick inventory of my other injuries. My left arm was in a sling, and my right hand was dominated by the bite/slash mark. Two of my ribs were badly bruised, and another had snapped, and I could feel a deep cut that had been stitched together just above my left ear, disappearing down just under my hairline and towards the back of my neck. All injuries that will heal in time, but would leave scars in some places. 

I was apparently ready to be discharged tomorrow due to my 'rapid recovery', but I was dreading leaving the safety of the hospital.Not to mention the affect it'll have on my mind once I was sent out into the world again. I tried not to let the darkness get to me, not while my best friends were in danger. The thought was enough to get me out of bed and into the adjoining bathroom, where Mr. White had brought my overnight bag from Rowan's for me to change into.

I sighed as I filled the sink with water. Toby.

Mr. White had tried to visit for a few minutes each day, but obviously most of his attention focused on his own son. I could barely meet his eyes when he spoke about him, his despair matching my own. I hadn't seen Rowan's parents at all.

After an awkward wash and towel dry because I was too anxious to have the nurse help, I had to admit defeat when it came to wrestling on my dress and tights, so I had to call for the young woman who looked far too fresh and bouncy for such long hours. Regardless, she showed me how to adjust my sling in order to dress, and advised me to stay away from my usual jeans. 

"Where is Rowan?" I croaked out, and reached for a bottle of water.

 "On the boys wing of the ward," She said as she laced up my converse, "I'll take you over in a minute."

"And Toby?"I asked, slightly softer this time.

"He's in one of the other rooms, like this one. His father is with him." She explained, but said no more about his condition.

A few minutes later, I was walking up between the beds of kids, ranging from toddlers in beds with cot railings, to teenagers listing to music or watching the TVs suspended from the ceiling. The nurse, Valarie, had given me the code to get back into my room, and told me to come back after two hours for more painkillers, but other than that, I was free to walk around the hospital.

I finally got to the last bed, peeked around the curtain, and I saw Rowan sprawled across it, his leg propped up on a pillow. He'd been watching TV, pushed right up to his face, but he swatted it out of the way when he saw me. 

My lip wobbled when I took in his battered face and plastered leg, and he held his arms out.I flung myself into his arms, sobbing quietly. He made an 'oomph' noise, but held me tight. I think we both needed it. His strong hands held me close.

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