Chapter 35

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DISCLAIMER: Fifty shades of Grey, any of its characters and other characters that I borrowed from other places do NOT belong to me. I own the plot and more than a few characters though. *I would like to remind you that this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people or places is accidental; though I did borrow some names and characters from other places that are not mine.

Thanks so much to my awesome Beta, Ninkita.


Chapter 35


Christian and Ana took a lunch break before going to the next house. Ana was pouting while Christian had a small smile on his face as they waited for their food. The waiter came back with their food a few minutes later. Christian had ordered chicken cordon bleu for both of them. "You're still pouting, love," Christian pointed out helpfully.

"I know...I don't think we're ever going to find our dream house," Ana sighed.

"Eat...and I'm sure we'll find the house soon," he assured with a smile, taking a sip from his wine.

"Yeah...I hope so," she started eating. "This is good," she smiled at the taste.

Christian smiled as well, pleased that his wife liked his choice of food. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have such a beautiful woman as his wife. His eyes roamed over Ana's body greedily. She was wearing a light grey maternity tulip dress with thick gold bracelet, a stylish linked gold and diamond choker, and Evangeline rose-gold sandals. Looking at her heels, Christian felt himself hardening, smirking in satisfaction at the thought that he knew what she was wearing underneath this perfect outfit. After all, he was the one who bought her that strappy silver lace lingerie set from Victoria's Secret. It wasn't just about the sex. It was about the part of her that was so…Ana. While other women tried to hide their baby bumps for as long as they could, Ana wore clothes that showed off her baby bump. Like him, she was proud of being a parent. He knew he would spend the rest of his life with a smug smile on his face for having this amazing woman as his wife and the mother of his children.

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat, gaining the couple's attention. Glancing to their right, they found a brown haired, petite woman in an off-shoulder black dress standing there with her head down. "Yes? How can I help you?" Ana asked curiously.

"I wanted to say hello to sir," said the woman.

Ana narrowed her eyes at the woman. "What's your name?" she asked.

"Susannah," Christian answered dryly. "Do you realize that by approaching me you violated the contract?" he asked the woman, raising his eyebrow.

"M-my apologies, sir. I and a few others were having lunch when we noticed you. We just wanted to say hello," Susannah muttered hesitantly.

"Why are your submissives having lunch together? It's creepy," Ana frowned. "Normal people don't have lunch with their ex's ex-girlfriends."

"Hmm...You're right…it is creepy," Christian stated glaring at the woman standing in front of them. "How do you know each other, and why are you guys still in contact with each other?" he asked.

"W-we…um...Mrs. Lincoln introduced that we could...know your likes and dislikes. After our time was over with you...we kept in contact for old times' sake," she muttered looking around, trying to find a way to escape.

"That's so creepy," Ana burst into a fit of giggles suddenly. "I've known several professional submissives in my life, but till now I never met anyone who stayed in contact with their ex-dom's ex-subs," she continued to snicker.

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