Chapter 10

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DISCLAIMER: Fifty shades of Grey or any of its characters do NOT belong to me. I own the plot and more than a few characters though.

*I would like to remind you that this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people or places is accidental; though I did borrow some names and characters from other places that are not mine.

**I would like to clarify something first. You will absolutely find some unrealistic things in this story. Please keep in mind it's not based on real life and it's just a story.**

This story is rated M because of Lemons, Violence and gory details.


Chapter 10


At dinner that night Christian was really lost in his head. He kept thinking about the coincidence between the bullying incident and the missing children incident. He wanted to ask Ana, but didn't want to offend her if what he was thinking was wrong and these two incidents were actually coincidental. Christian was still deep in thought when someone came up to him and leaned against the wall beside him, Turning his head, Christian saw it was one of the prefects.

"Why are you standing here alone, Mr. C.?" Liam, the prefect of Green lion asked cheerily, sipping on his protein shake.

"It's nothing. You tell me. How have you been?" Christian asked curiously, since this was the first time he had talked to the Green lion's prefect.

"I'm really excited. Our sports festival is starting from next Monday. Everyone in our dorm is really pumped up," Liam answered with a huge grin.

"Sports day! That sounds like fun. What kinds of sports do you have here?" Christian turned towards the teenager to know more. After all, this would be the first sports day he'd be part of where he wouldn't be a student.

"Oh…We have lots of sports. Since all the prefects and some of the other students are British, cricket is included and counted as most important. We have two events where all the dorms will have to participate and compete against each other: cricket and the group boat race. Other than that, we have archery, aikido, football, basketball, volleyball, competitive eating, martial arts, chess, costume race and so on. Anyone can participate in those. My dormitory is in charge of this whole event," Liam bounced on the balls of his feet and gestured wildly as he explained. His excitement was so infectious that even Christian started feeling excited.

Caleb, Jose and Nicolas were at the other side of the room, talking to each other when they noticed Liam's excited expression. "Why is he so excited?" Caleb asked curiously.

"I have a feeling that I know what he's so excited about. But let's confirm it," Nicolas said, smirking. Jose nodded silently from under his hood.

The boys joined Christian and Liam, just as Liam said, "…and our sports festival continues for 15 days. Best 15 days of the year!" he exclaimed.

"IT'S SPORTS DAY AGAIN!" cried out a horrified Caleb. He looked like he was either going to cry or faint…or both. Christian was really surprised by Caleb's reaction. After all, he was the main prefect. Shouldn't he be excited too?

Liam, Nicolas and Jose coordinately coughed out "NERD!" before they smirked at Caleb. Christian felt his eyes widening in surprise. Did they just call Caleb, the boy with popular-kid looks, a nerd?!

"Hey!" Caleb protested, though it sounded more like a whine than a scolding.

At Christian's confused look, Liam, Nicolas and Jose explained, "The students who excel at studying and get the highest scores, are the only students who are allowed in the Sapphire owl dormitory. In other words, all of them are nothing but a bunch of sophisticated nerds," they teased Caleb, who scowled at his friends. "Sapphire owl always comes last in the sports festival."

THE MYSTERY OF STEELE HEARTS (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora