Chapter 16

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DISCLAIMER: I just own the plot and more than a few characters… Nothing more.

Thanks so much to my awesome Beta, Ninkita


Chapter 16


Christian had a nightmare-free, full night of sleep. So, he was startled out of deep sleep when he felt someone jumping on his bed. It took him a few seconds to gather himself and notice that it was Hope who was jumping on his bed, still in her night clothes. "Molning, Clissy!" she greeted him cheerfully.

Christian saw it was only 5 am. "Good morning, kiddo, but why are you awake so early?" he asked.

"My sleep bloke, so come look fol you. Can I cuddle with you?" Hope asked, widening her eyes.

Christian moved back a bit and raised the blanket. Pleased, Hope climbed under the blanket, cuddled up to Christian, and they both fell asleep in minutes.

It was way past Christian's usually morning routine, and he wasn't down for his breakfast yet. Gail had warmed the food twice already. They didn't hear any sound from Hope's room either. Worriedly, Gail asked Taylor to check on their boss. Taylor walked up to Christian's room and knocked. "Mr. Grey? Are you alright, sir?" he asked. Hearing no reply from inside, he opened the door. Entering the room, Taylor stared at the bed with a puzzled expression. Christian's body under the blanket seemed way smaller than it really was. Tip-toeing towards the bed, slowly Taylor removed the blanket, and was surprised to find a leg...a child's leg. In one tug, he pulled the blanket off and found Hope was hogging Christian's bed as she slept like a star fish. He chuckled at Hope's sleeping style, and soon it turned into full belly laughter.

"Wha...what?!" A muffled sound came from the opposite side of the bed. Taylor peeked and found that Christian seemed to have slept on the floor by the bed.

"Mr. Grey? Christian? Why are you sleeping on the floor?" Taylor asked.

Christian looked around with a confused expression, and then looked at the bed. "It seems Hope kicked me off the bed," he answered, grimacing at the pain he felt in his lower back. "Why didn't I wake up when I fell?" he asked himself, making Taylor laugh. "Yeah...very funny," Christian scowled.

Taylor helped Christian up and both men glanced at Hope, before bursting into laughter. Christian grabbed his phone from the bedside table, clicked a few pictures of Hope, and sent them to Ana. His phone rang a few minutes later.

"Hey babe, that was a beautiful star fish," Ana joked.

Christian laughed. "Yeah...this beautiful star fish came to my room early in the morning and demanded cuddling. When I woke up a few minutes ago, I found myself on the floor," he informed her, smirking.

"It's 10 am already. Aren't you going to office today, honey?" Ana asked sweetly.

Smiling, he answered, "Yeah...crazily I didn't wake up early...I'm surprised. I never sleep this late. Anyways, good morning, babe. What's your schedule like today?" he asked as he walked towards his closet to get his clothes for the day.

"We have a chess competition today; this is one of the few games where Sapphire Owl students participate," Ana informed him with a small chuckle.

Christian paused and asked, most incredulously, "Caleb participates too?"

"No...Last year, he claimed that the chess board fell on his leg, and he was sooooo in pain that he couldn't play. I wonder what excuse he will give this year," Ana said in a mocking tone.

"Dear lord!" Christian said, laughing. He selected a dark grey suit, black shirt and black and grey striped tie. "I'm going to shower now. Hey, can you come to Seattle the day after tomorrow? Around...maybe 5 or 5.30 pm?" he asked.

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