Chapter 17

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DISCLAIMER: I just own the plot and more than a few characters… Nothing more.

Thanks so much to my awesome Beta, Ninkita


Chapter 17


As they returned home after their shopping, Christian realized that they had forgotten one important detail. They lived in Seattle, and it almost always rained there. Christian had planned to propose Ana on top of the flat roof of Escala, but if it rained even a little bit his entire proposal would be ruined. He shared his worries with Taylor. "You go up, and don't worry. I'll go to the nearest Target and get some stuff," he assured his worried boss.

"What stuff?" Christian asked, curiously.

"Stuff that will make your proposal plan rain-proof," Taylor replied with a small teasing smile.

Christian narrowed his eyes at Taylor and took Hope towards the elevator of the building. Reaching the penthouse, they headed for the kitchen first, where Gail was preparing dinner. "Hi Ms. Gail, we back," Hope announced happily.

"Welcome back, little Hope. How was your day?" Gail asked, smiling at the little girl.

Christian took a seat at the kitchen island and smiled at Hope as she started describing her day. "Did Ryan bring the stuff?" he asked after Hope was done.

"Yes, Mr. Grey," Gail answered.

"Taylor will bring the flowers tomorrow at noon. He went to Target to get some more stuff," he explained.

"Okay. Dinner will be done in an hour," Gail informed him with a smile.

Nodding, Christian took Hope to her room to change her clothes. Once she was done, he left Hope to hang out with Gail and went to change himself.

Christian decided to check on his work emails while Hope was busy with Gail. He went to his study, and started working through his emails. Soon, he lost track of time and was startled by a knock on the door. "Daddy! Daddy! You in hele?" Hope's muffled voice alerted him. He jumped up from his chair and walked to the door.

"Hey, Sweetie," he greeted opening the door.

"Found you!" Hope beamed at him. "Ms. Gail tolded me to tell you that dinnel is leady," she announced.

"Dinner's ready, huh? Did you help Ms. Gail make it?" Christian asked, as he picked up the little girl and headed for the dining room.

Hope giggled and shook her head 'no'. "I played and painted," she said.

"My good girl," Christian praised, placing a kiss on her cheek. Hope beamed in answer. Gail had made a chicken and broccoli casserole for dinner. Hope wrinkled her nose at the sight of green veggies in her dinner and absolutely refused to eat it. "Come on, baby girl, try a little bit. It's really yummy," Christian tried coaxing the little girl.

"No wanna," Hope folded her hands over her chest and pouted.

"How about we make a deal?" Christian bargained.

"What deal?" Hope asked, slightly curious.

"I will let you select my clothes for tomorrow evening when I propose to your mom," Christian answered after thinking about it for a while, hoping that he wouldn't regret this deal later.

Hope's eyes brightened, making Christian wince. "Plomise?" she asked.

"Mmm...hmm," Christian nodded reluctantly.

"Yay! Gimme that spoon," she said, taking the spoon from Christian's hand, and eating her dinner vigorously. Christian grimaced at the thought of wearing weird stuff at the proposal, but he could do nothing about it now.

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