Chapter 18

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DISCLAIMER: Sebastian, Claude, plots and characters of FSOG, Beelzebub, or OHHC are not mine. The plot of this story and more than half the characters are mine! I would like to remind you that this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people or places is accidental; though I did borrow some names and characters from other places that are not mine.

This story is rated M because of Lemons, Violence and gory details.

Thanks so much to my awesome Beta, Ninkita


Chapter 18


Next morning, Christian woke up at 4 am. Changing into his workout clothes and taking his carry-on bag, he softly shook Ana. "Love, I'm going to Sapphire owl now," he informed when she opened her eyes a little.

"Okay...entry pass?" Ana enquired.

"Yes I took everything I need."

"Have fun. Love you."

"Love you, baby," Christian smiled, leaning down and placing a kiss on her pouty lips. "See you in a few hours." With that he left the manor, jogging towards the Sapphire owl dorm.

Christian took the short cut like before. A familiar bark stopped him just before the gate that separated the manor and the school. Turning, he found Caleb's fluffy white Samoyed dog running towards him. He knelt down as the dog came closer and pawed at his knees, demanding pats. Grinning at the cuteness, he brushed his hands along the dog's back as it shoved its head under his face and started snuggling. "You're a good dog, aren't you?" Christian found himself cooing at the dog.

"Go play. I have to go to Sapphire owl now," Christian said after a few more minutes of doggy cuddles. The dog barked with a pleased look and rested its butt on the street. Christian brushed his clothes off and opening the cast iron gate, walked in. He waved his hand at the dog before he closed the gate and started jogging again. It took close to 15 minutes to reach Sapphire owl's iron gate. Christian wanted to jog some more, so he jogged over to the field and ran a few rounds of the field before returning to the gate again. It was now almost 5 am. Christian stepped close to the gate and soon found a familiar looking security system.

Smiling, he pulled out the entry pass and held it in front of the security system. With a beep, the door opened. Christian entered and looked around the dorm. It didn't have its own sports field like Green lion had, but it was a little bigger than the other dorms. The grass field surrounded the building, hemming it in with trees. Christian wondered if the students of the dorm were allowed to walk on the grass inside the dorm boundary, since they weren't allowed to do so out of the dorm. Knocking on the door, Christian waited as he stared at the road that went towards the pond. He had noticed previously that the pond area was always hidden. The thick metal gate, which was covered with flower vines, blocked the entrance to the pond. Liam had told him that it was done with the intention of protecting P5's privacy.

The door opened to reveal William with a groggy look and huge smile. "You arrived!" he exclaimed happily.

"Good morning, Will," Christian greeted with a chuckle.

"Ugh...we still have more than an hour before we need to be up," William mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "Let's get you to your room," he took Christian's bag and ushered him towards the stairs.

"You really didn't need to carry my bags," Christian complained. Will just chuckled.

They reached the second floor, and William took Christian to the room right across. "This is Brother Caleb's room," William said as they stepped inside the room. "You can use anything you want here...just don't go through that door," Will said, pointing at door at the far corner of the room.

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