Chapter 53

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DISCLAIMER: Characters of FSOG, Beelzebub, Kuroshitsuji, or OHHC are not mine. The plot of this story and more than half the characters are mine though!

Thanks so much to my awesome Beta, Ninkita.

**I've never been to Connecticut so I'm writing the travel time from a fantasy point of view and tourist spots with the help of Google.

*This segment is the last part of my Halloween contribution. Hope you're enjoying it*


Chapter 53:


Everything was silent in the house. The usual sounds of creaking around the house had also stopped. After hearing nothing more, everyone returned to their rooms for the time being. Luis went with Owen to help him make dinner. Christian flopped down on the bed as he rubbed his eyes. He had thought seeing demons and angels would be the weirdest thing in his life, but that wasn't the case. He was now experiencing ghosts as well. He chuckled to himself at the bizarre turn his life had taken.

He heard Ana entering the room. Moving his hands from his eyes, he stared at his wife. "Come lay down with me," he said.

"Why?" Ana asked him, incredibly suspicious of why he suddenly wanted them to lay down.

"This day had been stressful until it took a darker turn. A shade… we don't even know what it consists of. I've a gut feeling that things are about to go bad. So, if I want to cuddle with my wife, I think I can," Christian huffed petulantly.

"Yeah. You're right," Ana nodded. She removed her shoes before climbing on the bed. With a tired sigh, she cuddled up to him.

"Did you manage to get anything from those…um…entities?" Christian asked.

"Women. From what I gathered, they are related… most likely mother and daughter. They only answered 'yes' and 'no' questions. They were killed unjustly, that much I managed to get out of them, but nothing more. 'Who' and 'why' is still a mystery."

"So… could they be the mayor's wife and daughter? I mean… it was the Mayor House after all," Christian wondered.

"Most probably. Christian, do you think someone killed the mother and daughter while the father was away and buried them in the house or maybe the surrounding area?"

"That's a possibility. But… what if it was the father who killed them?" Christian asked, drawing from his own experience with his childhood abuser and Elena.

"That would be so sad. A father and a husband is the person you trust to keep you safe and protect you from bad. If that person harms you… I don't think that pain ever goes away," Ana sighed.

"It's even hard to think of," Christian nodded.



Everyone decided to stay in their rooms after dinner. The eeriness of the house made everyone tense. Jennifer thought that a hot shower would help her sleep well, so she took her nightgown and went to take a shower. She was in there for about 5-8 minutes when she heard Noah entering the bathroom. Jennifer could see his silhouette through the frosted shower glass as he washed his hands. She asked him if Luis had locked the main door or not. She saw him nodding. With a shrug, she kept on talking about random stuff about work. After a while she noticed that no matter what she asked, Noah only nodded or shook his head in answer, but he didn't say anything. Curious, she opened the shower door and felt her eyes widening in shock. The bathroom was empty. There was no one else in there.

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