Chapter 24

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DISCLAIMER: Fifty shades of Grey or any of its characters do NOT belong to me. I own the plot and more than a few characters though.


From this chapter, things are going to be more…I should say 'UNREALISTIC'. 87% of these things will never…I can guarantee…never happen in real life. So, I would like to request that for the sake of this story, just go with it ;)

Thanks so much to my awesome Beta, Ninkita. I love you 3


Chapter 24


Christian stared at his fiancée's retreating figure, as he stood frozen in place. What just happened? He couldn't fathom it. Suddenly, a stirring classical soundtrack boomed over the dock and two rockets soared into the air, exploding with a deafening bang over the bay, lighting it up in a dazzling canopy of sparkling orange and white that was reflected in a glittering shower over the still calm water of the bay. It created a magical environment. Christian had wanted to share that with his wife and daughter, but he had nothing left. Did Ana really just leave me? But she said won't leave me. I can't let her do that! He started running towards the house.

Entering, he found Taylor frowning at the door. "Taylor, where's Ana and Hope?" Christian asked, panting.

"They just left. Ana looked pissed. What happened?" he asked.

"Elena," Christian sighed.

"That witch is here?!" Taylor blurted out. "You finally had happiness and she ruined it in one evening," he stated in disbelief. Christian stared at his security in-charge, but didn't know what to say.

They next few days were like hell. Christian kept calling Ana but she never answered. He tried everyone's number on the island but no one received his calls. He tried going to the island but his island's entry pass had been canceled. He missed his daughter. He missed his fiancée. It was as if she had never existed. His parents kept asking why Ana and her family left early that night. He stopped answering his family's phone calls to avoid the questions. Defeated, Christian went to Ray's office.

Ray gave him a sympathetic smile and asked him to take a seat. "Christian, you know about the incident on the island that resulted in making the island laws, right?" he asked his to-be son-in-law.

"Yeah," Christian sounded so defeated that Ray felt sad for him.

"Ana overreacted because of that. Every form of child abuse is a hard limit for her and since she's pregnant, her hormones made her crazy angry that night. When she calms down, I'm sure she will talk to you again. But you have to hold on till then. Please try to understand her point of view. She told me what happened to you. Christian, just imagine Caleb or Bill or any of the boys in your place, and I'm damn sure you'll understand Ana's reaction," Ray patted his shoulder.

"I- I can't live without her, Ray. She's my life. I can't find my home. Cause there is no home without her. She is my home," Christian rested his head on his hands and started sobbing.

"Son, give her some time. I know my daughter. As soon as her anger melts away, she'll come running back to you."

Sniffing, Christian asked, "Are you sure?" Ray nodded at him.




Ana had been in her room since they had returned from the gala that night a few days ago. The events of the night were running through her head as tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt her heart tearing up a little more every time she recalled how rude she had been with him. She knew she wouldn't have reacted this way if she wasn't a parent; but she was a parent, and their safety always came first. But it didn't make the pain in her heart any less. Ana sniffed as she caressed her slightly swollen tummy. "I'm so sorry I'm depriving you two of your father's love," she whimpered as she recalled how Hope had cried herself to sleep that night. She had wanted her dad to tuck her in.

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