Chapter 21

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DISCLAIMER: Fifty shades of Grey or any of its characters do NOT belong to me. I own the plot and more than a few characters though.

*I would like to remind you that this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people or places is accidental; though I did borrow some names and characters from other places that are not mine.

Thanks so much to my awesome Beta, Ninkita

** Lemon alert


Chapter 21


Christian returned to the manor the next morning. Climbing on the bed, he cuddled up with Ana. The cricket matches would start from today and would be going on for the next four days. The general excitement for these matches was making Christian excited too; even though he didn't know how to play cricket. He had stayed up last night going through the rules of the game. A knock made him raise his head and look at the door.

Thump ! Thump !

The noise came again. Christian got out of bed and walked to the door quickly, not wanting Ana to wake up. Opening the door, he was surprised as there was no one there.

"Dah!" a familiar noise came from the floor.

Looking down, Christian found Dusk crawling between his legs to get inside the room. Turning, he saw the little boy crawling towards the bed. Closing the door, Christian picked Dusk up and placed a few kisses on his face, making the little one giggle. "Good morning, Dusk. You want cuddles?" he asked the happy boy.

"Dah!" Dusk replied.

Climbing on to the bed, he placed Dusk between him and Ana. Feeling the movement, Ana opened her eyes and smiled when she saw Christian and Dusk. She closed her eyes and went back to sleep. Dusk sat up and started his baby blabber, looking at Christian as if he was telling him something important. Christian stared at him blankly for a while before saying, "I have no idea what you just said." He was not even surprised when Dusk rolled his eyes at Christian. By now, Christian knew that Dusk was NOT a normal baby. After a few failed tries, Dusk managed to climb onto Christian's chest and laid down on him. "You want to cuddle like this?" Christian asked, surprised.

A sleepy 'Dah!' came from the baby.

Wrapping his arms around Dusk's form, Christian fell asleep.

Around 8.30 am, Ana woke up and stretched her hands over her head. Yawning, she turned to her side and saw an adorable sight. Christian and Dusk were both fast asleep, with Dusk sleeping on Christian. The man who at one point wasn't able to let anyone touch his chest was now cuddling a baby there. He'll make an amazing father, Ana thought, smiling. She placed her hand on her stomach and smiled looking down. "Your dad will love you guys with all his heart," she whispered. A sudden wave of nausea hit her hard. Gagging, Ana hurriedly climbed out of the bed and ran to the bathroom.

The sound of the closing door woke Christian up. He heard the noises coming from the bathroom. Placing Dusk gently on the bed and surrounding him with pillows, Christian went to the bathroom. Opening the door, he found Ana vomiting. "Morning sickness?" he asked as he knelt down and held her hair back.

"Yeah," Ana sighed. "Sorry I woke you."

"I'm glad I woke up. I want to be there with you at every step of this pregnancy...and every other in the future," Christian said giving her a warm smile.

Ana smiled at him and nodded. "When did Dusk come here?" she asked getting up from the floor. Going to the basin, she started brushing her teeth.

"He came crawling a few hours ago. Demanded in his baby blabber to sleep on my chest," Christian explained as he grabbed his toothbrush.

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