Chapter 37

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DISCLAIMER: Fifty shades of Grey, any of its characters and other characters that I borrowed from other places do NOT belong to me. I own the plot and more than a few characters though. *I would like to remind you that this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people or places is accidental; though I did borrow some names and characters from other places that are not mine.

***Lemon Alert

Thanks so much to my awesome Beta, Ninkita.


Chapter 37:


The next few weeks were filled with a lot of major events for the island. After the birthday party at the manor, Christian and Ana had taken all the children of the manor to Disneyland. It was a five day trip. Due to the number of children and their safety, Christian and Ana had managed to get trackers on each one of them and did head-counts several times a day. By the time they returned from the trip, everyone was exhausted. Hope had stayed with Ana's parents during the trip. After staying the night at the island, Christian and Ana came to pick her up.

"Mommy! Daddy! How was the tlip!?" Hope squealed happily as she ran to her parents.

Christian picked his little girl up and hugged her tightly. "Oh my angel! I missed you so much," he placed smooches on her cheeks, making her giggle.

"Misted you too, daddy."

"My turn," Ana said taking her daughter from Christian before hugging Hope to her. "How are you, baby? Are you angry that we didn't take you?" she asked.

"No mommy. I goed to Montana and played with holsies. So, you took other kids too so they won't be sad ol left out, light?" Hope asked.

"My baby is so intelligent. Yes, darling, that's why. Since they don't have their mommy and daddy anymore, it's our duty to make sure that they also get to have all the fun. Their physical and psychological well being is our duty too. Okay?"

"Yes. They ale my blothels and sistels. I love them," Hope stated with a determined nod.

"Let's go in," Christian suggested as he took his daughter back. "You're not suppose to heavy lift, love," he added when Ana glared at him.

Ana pouted as she rubbed her swollen belly, "I know. I just miss carrying her," she muttered. Smiling affectionately, Christian wrapped his arm around her and side-hugged her.

They headed inside the house and were greeted by both Ana and Christian's parents as well as his grandparents. "Hey guys," Ana grinned as she hugged her mother and Grace, and Elizabeth, Christian's grandmother. Christian was also being hugged by the men as the ladies started fussing over Ana's swollen belly, making her smile.

"Oh, Theo, look! She looks so amazing!" Elizabeth squealed as she hugged Ana again.

"She sure looks amazing. Hello, darling girl! How have you been?" Theodore asked his granddaughter-in-law with a smile and a hug.

"I'm doing great, grandpa. How are you? You had your annual physical a few days ago, right? Is everything alright?" Ana inquired.

"Yes, Anastasia, everything is fine. The doctor said I'm in excellent health," Theodore winked with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Ana dear. This old man will still be alive when you're having your tenth kid," Elizabeth smirked as Christian choked from the other side of the room.

"Excuse me?! Tenth?" Christian asked eyes wide open.

"It'll only take five tries if you guys manage to get pregnant with twins each time," Ray added gleefully as Carrick nodded in agreement from beside him.

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