Chapter 13

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DISCLAIMER: I just own the plot and more than a few characters… Nothing more.

This story is rated M because of Lemons, Violence and gory details.


Thanks so much to my awesome Beta, Ninkita


Chapter 13


The alarm clock rang at 4 am, making the sleeping couple groan. Christian opened his eyes and looked at the body next to him. He smiled as he recalled his behavior the night before, after a call from Dr. Flynn had helped him understand what Ana had been trying to tell him. On their second date, Ana had offered him a condition. The condition was that when they had sex, they would do it without protection when they were comfortable with it. Christian had asked why it mattered. Ana explained that even if they broke up, she'd like another baby from this relationship. He wouldn't be forced in any way to be part of the baby's life. At the time, they had left that conversation open as they couldn't find any solution to the issue, as Christian wasn't sure that he would be a good father, but on the other hand, Ana would be and was an excellent mother. But every time they had sex, other than the first few times, they didn't use any protection and neither of them said anything on this matter. So, whatever would happen, would happen naturally. Christian hoped that Ana was already pregnant…or would be soon.

He moved his hand from under her body and stretched his arms over his head. He got out of the bed slowly. He washed his face and got the bag he had prepared for his stay at the Green Lion. He wore black work out pants, green v-neck t-shirt and Nike's 5.0 dark green running shoes. Heaving the bag over his shoulder, Christian walked up to the bed and sat beside Ana. Shaking her slowly, he woke her up.

"Hey, good morning," he whispered.

"Hey…mmm…going to Green Lion?" Ana asked as she cuddled up to his thighs.

"Yeah," Christian ran his fingers through her hair.

"Did you take the pass? You have to show it at the entrance," Ana reminded him.

Checking his pocket for the pass, he nodded. "Yeah…I got it. I'm going now. See you at the field later," Christian leaned down and kissed his girlfriend.

"Have fun, sweetie," Ana said cuddling back to her pillows.

Christian headed out of the room and saw a boy walking around aimlessly in the hallway. Christian waved his hand in front of the boy but he didn't react. Christian peeked at the boy's face and saw that the boy had his eyes closed. Holding onto his shoulders, Christian directed the boy towards the room that had its door open. The room was painted a light blue color and had four bunk beds. Guessing the empty bed on the left-south side of the bunk to be the boy's bed, Christian tucked him in there and left the room.

He managed to reach the outside of the manor without meeting anyone else. He started jogging through the pathway that went between the gardens. When he reached the blue boundary wall, he found the gate was locked from inside. Opening it, he got inside the school area. Christian closed the gate as best he could since the locking system was only on the other side. Shrugging, he started jogging again.

In 15 minutes, he reached in front of Green Lion. No one was around, so Christian looked around, wondering who to show the pass. Finding no one, he tried to push the Iron Gate open, when suddenly a tomato fell just a few inches from him. Shocked, Christian moved back and a voice came from the door security system that was on the wall beside the cast iron gate.

"Who's there?" asked an annoyed voice.

"Hi, I'm Christian Grey. I'm supposed to spend the day here," Christian said, feeling like a teenage boy on prom night outside of his prom date's home.

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