Chapter 11

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DISCLAIMER: Fifty shades of Grey or any of its characters do NOT belong to me. I own the plot and more than a few characters though.

**I would like to clarify something first. You will absolutely find some unrealistic things in this story. Please keep in mind it's not based on real life and it's just a story.**

Thanks so much to my awesome Beta, Ninkita

This story is rated M because of Lemons, Violence and gory details.


Chapter 11


Next morning, when Christian woke up, he found Ana gone. He pulled on his pajama bottoms, and followed the enticing smell of freshly brewed coffee. Ana was humming to herself and preparing two cups of coffee. Christian hugged her from behind and said, "Good morning, love."

Turning, Ana beamed at him. "Good morning, handsome."

Christian turned her around and effortlessly placed her on the kitchen counter. Ana giggled and pulled him in for a kiss.

They made out until their coffees were cold. Pulling back, Ana suggested, "Today is Saturday, and the sports festival is starting from Monday. Can you take off from your office for 15 days? Or maybe…at least a week?"

"I can do both…but let me discuss it with Ros first."

"I love you," Ana replied with a smile.

"I love you too," Christian kissed Ana's forehead. Pulling back, he asked, "By the way, do you know what happened to Taylor yesterday? He didn't come up with me last night."

"Yeah," Ana chuckled. "He helped me with our date preparation. So as a thank you, I sent him and Gail on a date last night. After dropping you off, they left for their date. That's why he didn't come up," she explained.

Christian smiled at her affectionately. "You're amazing. I loved the way you told me you love me."

"Of course you did. You're a lecherous pervert," Ana joked.

"Reeeaaally?! But you love this lecherous pervert. So what does that make you?"

"Female lecherous pervert?" Ana suggested.

"Yup," Christian agreed. He took his coffee cup which was cold by now, and drank it in one go. Making a disgusted face, he placed the cup down and shivered. Ana laughed at his reaction and did the same. Christian pulled her into his arms and carried her to their fort in the living room. They spent the rest of the day making love and watching movies. Ana tried to teach Christian to cook, but they ended up making out again.

That evening, Christian's phone rang. He looked at the screen and saw the call was coming from manor's landline number. Curiously, he said, "Hello?"

"Clissy?" Hope's voice came from the other side.

"Hey, angel. Why aren't you in Seattle this weekend?" Christian asked. This was the first time Hope hadn't come with Ana. It didn't happen often that Ana and Christian went on dates alone; Hope usually came with them. So, he was surprised when he realized that Hope wasn't in Seattle with them.

"I gotted shopping with Granma fol Granpa's bithday. But I misted you," Hope sniffed. (I went shopping with Granma for Grandpa's birthday. But I missed you)

"I missed you too. Would you like to come here tomorrow? We're going to my parent's house," Christian informed her with a smile. Everyone in his family loved to have Hope over. "When is grandpa's birthday?" he asked.

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