Chapter 46

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DISCLAIMER: Sebastian, Claude, plots and characters of FSOG, Beelzebub, or OHHC are not mine. The plot of this story and more than half the characters are mine!

Thanks so much to my awesome Beta, Ninkita.

** A special thanks to Lexie.B96. The Earth is our collab.


Chapter 46:



The power source appeared in another earth, spit out the couple, and vanished again. Christian helped Ana up and brushed her clothes clean. "That power source is really rude. It didn't have to spit us out. We could've stepped out," Ana grumbled.

Christian chuckled before pulling her in for a hug. "I'm sorry, baby. I got us in this mess," he said sighing. Looking around he stated, "It seems it's daytime here."

"We're in front of a park entrance. Let's go sit in there for a while," Ana suggested.

"Sounds good. We can decide where to go from here since we have no idea where this earth's Christian and Ana could be," Christian ushered her inside the park and they found a secluded bench by the pond. They sat there cuddling with each other as they took in the serenity of the situation. "I have cash with me. We can get a room here until we find Christian and Ana," he suggested.

"Good idea. Don't worry about cash. I can materialize some if we need it," Ana replied with a shrug.

"Neat!" Christian smirked.

After a few hours, Christian said to Ana, "I'm hungry. Stay here….I'll get us some sandwiches and coffee from that café we saw outside." He went to move but stopped. "Will you be okay alone?" he asked worriedly. "Maybe we should go together?" he suggested.

"Christian, I'm more powerful than any average human being. I'll be fine. You can go. I'm also getting hungry," Ana assured him with a smile. "Oh…..and get a small bread too. I want to feed the ducks," she added.

Smiling at her, Christian left after removing his suit jacket and placing it over her shoulders. He walked to the café with his hands shoved inside his pant pockets. He didn't notice that he had someone's attention as soon as he entered the café. He ordered two large sandwiches and two large Cappuccinos.

Ana [of this earth] had been sitting in that café, thinking about her life. She was lost in thought until Christian [Ana's husband] entered the café. Ana was surprised as he never came to this part of the city. With a frown, she observed him and then followed him out of curiosity. He took the sandwiches and coffees and headed for the park. Ana followed him, keeping a distance. She was curious why he was here. Usually either he would be busy with work or they would hang out, ever since they reconnected. He had even told her the other day that he loved her…but she couldn't believe him. Maybe because they had met again after so many years, he might've been mistaking his feelings as love, she had thought at that moment.

Now a strange jealousy tore through her when she found him heading towards a woman. The woman was sitting on a park bench facing the pond. She was wearing Christian's suit jacket. Ana's [of this earth] frown deepened at the sight. Did he have to move on this fast? she thought bitterly. She saw that Christian handed her a cup of coffee and a sandwich before sitting beside her. The woman asked him something and he pulled out a small bread roll. The woman placed her food down and started tearing the bread roll into smaller pieces. The ducks started gathering closer towards the woman eagerly as she started throwing pieces of bread at them.

Ana [of this earth] saw that Christian wrapped his arm around the woman's shoulder and placed an affectionate kiss on her forehead. Finally not being able to control herself anymore, she called out sternly, "Christian!"

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