Chapter 41

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DISCLAIMER: Sebastian, Claude, plots and characters of FSOG, Beelzebub, or OHHC are not mine. The plot of this story and more than half the characters are mine!

Thanks so much to my awesome Beta, Ninkita.


Chapter 41:


Christian was in the library of the manor, reading a pile of books. The twins were sleeping in the portable crib by the coffee table. Ana was at the school, doing her duties as the principal. Christian had handed over a lot of his responsibilities of GEH to Ros. Ever since they had both started working again, they would alternate days between them, so that they both could be with the children throughout their childhood.

One more reason for Christian to do this was the man in the hospital. That day a whole new world was opened up to him. That man claimed that he was Christian's biological father and he was an angel. After putting his son down, the man had vanished…but not before telling him that he would explain everything on the second full moon of the twins' birth. Christian, Ana, Sebastian, Claude and even Caleb had been doing research on this matter since then. Today was the second full moon, which meant it had been two months since the twins were born.

A knock on the door made Christian look up from the book he was reading. "Hey dad," Tom greeted.

"Tom! Hey...why are here? Shouldn't you be in class at this moment? Did you get infected with Billitis?" Christian asked with a smirk.

Snorting in amusement, Tom entered the room. "I had an off I thought I'd come here," he took a seat in from of the twins' crib and smiled down at them. "They are identical twins, right?" he asked.

"Yeah," Christian smiled at his older son.

"That's so cool," Tom grinned.

"I heard it's your birthday this weekend," Christian asked. "You'll turn 17 this year?"

"Yeah. Our final exams start in two weeks. After that, we'll be high school juniors," Tom grinned widely.

"You remember that car I promised to buy Bill?" Christian asked. At Tom's nod, he continued, "I decided that I'll buy 7 sports cars when Bill turns 17. The Prefects, Bill and I can go to Autobahn in Germany to try them out. What do you think?" he smirked as the teen's eyes widened excitedly.

"Autobahn!? Oh my God! Dad! That'll be a dream come true! That would be so amazing!" Tom was almost vibrating in excitement.

"Glad you approve," Christian smirked.

"Mmm... but will mom agree to that?" Tom asked hesitantly.

"I actually discussed this with her before telling you," Christian informed.

"And she agreed?" Tom asked.

"She did. Since there's a year to go, you boys can all practice your driving some more. You 5 will be 18 then, and your mom also thinks that you should get to do something special for this occasion. So, we boys will be having a 7 day trip to Germany," Christian informed.

"Best birthday gift EVER!" Tom hissed and fist pumped in the air. "Can I share this with the others?"

"Of course."

"Oh Dad! Thank you," Tom beamed at him. After a hug, he left to inform his brothers about their upcoming trip.

Christian went back to read the book. He had been reading every kind of angel related books ever since he found that his father was an angel. He'd never even thought this could be a possibility in his dreams. He had so many questions for the man claiming to be his father. Sighing, he started reading but he was interrupted again, this time by his youngest son. Alistair had woken up and was making tiny mewing noises.

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