Chapter forty-one

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Please read the today's author's note carefully and answer in the comments.

Previously:Skye POV:I opened my eyes and saw Chase's face literally in front of me, which scared me a little at the beginning but after a while I calmed down

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Skye POV:
I opened my eyes and saw Chase's face literally in front of me, which scared me a little at the beginning but after a while I calmed down. Then an idea came to my head...

Back to present
I pressed my lips to his. (Not real, huh?) Just a quick kiss. It felt so good. Although I didn't want to, I had to break away, because I don't want Chase to know I did it. I love you. I hope that some day I'll tell you this. Oops, he's waking up, I got to pretend I sleep fast, which I did.

Chase POV:
Ughhh, what time is it? Then I look at the clock and realize that our nap lasted 3 hours. We were really tired I guess. Anyways, I have to get Skye on her paws. We have a movie to watch in 2 hours. (very nice)
„Wake up Skye, it's the time." - I nudge her.
„But it's so comfortable here." - She hugs me tighter. I wasn't prepared for this. She still didn't opened her eyelids, but that was good, because of that she couldn't see me blushing.
„Please do. We have to get done for tonight. Or wait! I have an idea. I'll go buy something and you can lay down here. I'll tell you when it's time. Do you want something?" - I ask her.
„You're so kind. Yeah, some classic popcorn, please. Thank you that I can sleep more, you know I like it, don't you?" - She laughs and stares at me happily with her magenta eyes. They're so beautiful. Her voice is cute. Hearing it always makes me happy. And she always find time to realise her passions and talk or play with us. I can't imagine anyone who's better than her. (Awww)
„Umm, Chase? You here?" - She waves in front of my face.
„What? Anything happened?" - I ask confused.
„No, but you were behaving like you wasn't here. And you said that you're going out." - She answers. (Oops)
"Oh, yes. Sorry, I was daydreaming. See you later." - I walk out feeling embarassment. How could I be so dumb that I wasn't paying attention to what I'm doing? (Don't think like that, it happens) Anyways, my next stop is grocery shop.

Twenty minutes later
„Skye, I'm back." - I say as I go in.
„Nice. It's almost time. Have you got it?" - She open eyes and look at me.
„Of course. Should we start?" - I hand her over a bag of popcorn and sit next to her.
„Yeah, let's do it." - She turn the TV on as she lays her head on my shoulder.

" - She turn the TV on as she lays her head on my shoulder

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Author's note: Hi. 2 chapters today because I didn't post anything yesterday. Please, I want to know what do you think about this idea: Does anyone want more details about my upcoming story as a way of celebration of 5k reads? That's important becuase I don't know if I should do it. And dedication goes to Gabsalad, be sure to check out her profile. Stay safe everyone.

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