Chapter 41

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Jennie's POV 

I can't believe what had Niki said that she's pregnant! What the- so who's the father? Is it Lisa? That's why she came here? Shit, if that's the case something happened to them recently? 

"Jennie, stop overthinking please. Just stop it. I can read what's on your mind so just please... stop it, baby.." she calmly said. 

I'm already jumping into conclusions! But I can't help it! first of all, there's something happened to them already which  could never, ever forget! Can she blame me of i think of that way? 

Niki looked atme her face is flooded with tears. Lisa tried to escape from her hug but she buried her face again on lisa's solid chest. Fuck. 

"Who's the father, Niki?" She calmly asked her and removed niki's embrace from her. 

But niki held Lisa's hand before she can let go of her. She sobbed again. "Is there anyone else, Lis?"

WHAT. THE. FUCK. So Lisa is the father? 

I nearly lost my will to breath when i heard that, I'm mad and irritated. I don't really know what to feel. 

Did Lisa betray me?! Was she doing nasty behind my back? 

I saw Lisa immediately removed Niki's hand from her and went near me. 

She was mad as fuck. 

"What do you mean by that?" She coldly asked her and i saw Niki stiffened. 

Lisa was now beside me. 

She glared at Lisa, her cheeks are red because of so much anger. "you don't get it? IT's you!" she said with so much certainty on her voice. 

"Bullshit!" Lisa cursed. This is the first time i saw her this angry towards someone and i can see that she was beyond angry! " Shit Niki you know nothing happened to us-"


We look behind and i saw my mom, who looks like she heard some parts of the conversation, together with Tito Marco who's now look so confused. 

Double shit.

"Who's the father, Niki?" my mom calmly asked her, my forehead furrowed. 

And she knows her! how come?

"T-tita.." Niki's eyes watered again. She gulped and tried to stop her sobs. "It's Lisa." 


Is this for real? I look at Lisa who's now clenching her jaw and her fist are balled. 

I immediately distanced myself to her and she's glaring at niki now but when she noticed me distancing myself away from her, her eyes showed fear and nervousness as she looked at me. 

"Jennie.." She softly whispered and held my hand but i ignored her. 

i don't know who's telling the truth now. I am so confused. 

"Again? you mean, Lisa was the father?" His forehead creased. "Before we partly believe you, do you have a proof that you are pregnant? I'm sorry but a lot of women went here already saying Lisa impregnated them." 

Mom nudge him, "marco, stop she's the President's Nephew in Jennie's school.. I know her, I think she can't lie to us." 

He looked at Niki who's just sobbing there, her hand covering her mouth. "Well, It's not about the nephew of the president we're talking about the truth." Tito said with finality. 

Niki raised her head. "Yes, i will show a sonogram-" 

"You don't need to show anything because I'm not responsible with that! Stop it, Niki! Fucking Stop it!" she raised her voice. She was really angry. 

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