Chaper 30

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Jennie's POV 

seriously, I don't know what to feel right now. 

Now what? Just with that it's my fault now. I weakly sat down. I am so confused.  Who the fuck send it to Lisa? I swear, I'd look for whoever that evil is! 

If they manage to record it, it means someone already knew about us. It's just me Lisa, Chaeng and Lisa's cousin who knew what's happening between us. So who could that scumbag be?! damn it i would surely make them pay! 

I just went  straight on Chaeng's condo after what happened. I don't know where Lisa went i guess she did go back to our class.

I wanted to explain to her. But my ego doesn't want me to. 

She is culpable for not telling me about her father's relationship with my mother, so why would i explain to her? 

I want her to think that i only played with her.. Maybe if that happens, she would avoid me and if that happens.. we don't need to hide anymore. We will now be free. No rumors,  No false judgements, No secrets. But the question is... will i be happy? 


Chaeng went home by 7:00 pm, she immediately went beside me. i was sitting on her couch. 

"God, Jennie! how are you? What happened earlier? Did you two talked? Does she hurt you? What?" she held my hand tight. 

I know my eyes are still swollen because of crying that's why she's acting like this. 

I just shook my head, not wanting to say something. i bowed my head. 

"Jen i am worried now don't you dare give me that answer!" Chaeng held my chin to look at her. 

I look at her before speaking. I don't know if she already knew about the recording, but i hope she'll help me investigate who the hell it is once i told her about it. 

"Lisa explained why she didn't tell me about my mom and her dad's relationship.." i started. 

She breathed. "And then what?" 

I bit my lower lip "She said if she told me that before i would've avoid her. So she didn't bother to tell it.." 

I don't know if her reasons was justifiable . 

I don't know  what to feel. 

She just listen to me intently, like she's weighing what i've told her. 

"Do you think, It's right? is that enough reason for her to lie to me?"  i swallowed lump that formed on my throat. My tears was on verge of falling again! I'm already tired of crying.. i'm tired. 

She heaved a sigh. "Jennie, you know she didn't lie to you.." 

"Not lying?" i sarcastically said. "What do you think about what she have done? If she told me the truth earliier there will no wedding." 

"That's exactly what i want to tell you." she calmly said. "She didn't lie, She just didn't informed you but she didn't lie. I don't know why are you mad at her. She just don't want to lose you." 

My forehead furrowed. "But i told her about what was happening between me and my mom, if she didin't want to lose me she should've told me-" 

"Jennie, Listen." she is still calm. I'm glad she is because i think we'll have an argument if she did.

Chaeng sighed before talking. "Did you get it? if she told you about it before, and what hppened right now. You'd still hate her and you'd still go away from her because she's your mother 'future' step daughter. To sum it up all, she just did it for you. you see?" 

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