Chapter 5

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Jennie's POV

"Bye Jen!" Chaeng bid goodbye to me. I shook my head and smiled.

I look at her as she put her bag on her right shoulder. She glanced at me one last time and winked, I knew what she meant by that. And I'll prove it to her.

"I can do it, Chaeng." I mouthed to her.

"I bet no, it's not easy." she just laughed and walked out.

I fixed my things and make sure there's none left. And as usual I waited for Lisa again. It's just me and her again. Damn that professor, she was just sitting comfortably on her seat, recording the scores on her Laptop, and I remembered the score I got again of course, zero. It's so hard! And I don't have notes and she was really strict not leaving my side because I'm the only one who doesn't have notes. 

I put my bag on my shoulder and walk towards her. As I walk near her, she glanced at me. Her forehead creased as she look at me, she raised her brows and put her Laptop aside.

"What is it again Miss Kim?" She asked and her voice seem so irritated.

"Love..." I chanted and went near to her. Her face remained stoic and her jaw clenched after she heard what I said. "Is my score really zero?!"

"What do you expect? I'll change your scores?" She asked still annoyed. I heard her say "tsk."

"And stop calling me that. It's inappropriate, Miss Kim." She added and continue record our scores.

"What? The  'love'?" I asked seriously but deep inside I am laughing because it's so cheesy. Lmao.  "Why would I stop saying what I feel, professor? We have freedom of expression!" I smirked. Goodness.

When I looked at her she really look so annoyed.  "Then you should at least be modest, Jennie. I am your professor and you must respect me or at least respect yourself." she sarcastically said.

"You're so mean, Love." I pouted and sat on the chair in front of her "I'm falling for you even more. hmm." she just looked at me with bored expression and continue what she's doing. Not minding my existence again. I can't with her! She's like a queen of all the snobers. 

"And oh..." I took something inside my bag when I realized I was going to give her something. She raised her brows at me, waiting for what I'll get. "Excited?" I continue finding it and she glared at me because of what I've said.

"Can you just get out? I have so many things to do. You're a distraction." Wow. It hurts huh. A bit. Hehe. 

"Aww you're so mean to me,  Love." I just continue calling her Love. I am enjoying it anyways "here, I made this for you Lisa." I smiled at her.

She just looked at me weirdly and the thing I am holding. She didn't even move a bit. SNOB! TSK!

"So you will just look at it? You'll not going to get it?" I sarcastically said.

"Why would I?" She snorted. 

She's so heartless! UGH!  I grabbed her hand and forced  her to hold it. but I nearly let go of her hands as I felt something weird as I held it. What the hell was that? I just shrugged it off and placed the small souvenir jar on her palm. It's a small souvenir jar with colored salts inside and then it has abaca rope on half of it. It has also decorations outside. It's our project on one of my subject.

And she just looked at it as if she has no intention accepting it.

"You're too picky love!" She narrowed her eyes at the mere mention of the word "love"

"I said stop saying that."

"Give me a valid reason then if you want me too." I challenged her. Nah. You can't force me to stop Lisa.

"I am your professor." she just simply said.

"And I am your student."

"Yes you're STILL a student, that's why. So stop it." She said disgusted with me.

"Okay I'll stop calling you that if..." I stand in front of her.

"What?" She irritatedly asked.

"I'll be your student assistant." I smirked as I saw her clenched her jaw.

"What? Are you crazy? I don't need a student assistant."

"Then okay. I'll tell everyone that you forced me to have sex with you and that will ruin your reputation and no girl would jump to you again because of me and then you will be fired from your job here and then—". Crazy? I know. 

I stopped when I heard her chuckle lightly shaking her head in amusement.

"And is if someone would believe you?" She rolled her eyes at me.

"That's too easy, my mom is influential. I bet she can do something about it". I'm sorry for being a brat. Why am I this desperate though is it just because of the deal? I don't even know either! 

She hesitates a bit as I mentioned my mom. She stared at me blankly, "Come to think of it, Miss Kim. What can you get from all of that stupid plans of yours, Huh?" She shook her head.

"To get closer to you, that's it."

She shook her head again. Not liking the things I told her.

"Smooth." She spat. Narrowing her eyes at me. "Are you that desperate? Only desperate girls do that."

It's my first time to be labelled as desperate. Temper. Jennie. Temper. Prove to Chaeyoung that you can do it. You can do it.

I inhaled sharply.  And smiled again. "If that's what you'll call it then so be it."

She still stared at me intently examining if I am serious or what. I showed her that I am determined. 

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. Surrendering to what I want. "Be here at 6:00 am everyday because you'll assist me when I  train my athletes. carry my things wherever I go and follow all my orders to you." A lopsided smile formed on her lips "you can still backout, Miss Kim."

"Why would I, Professor?" I challenged her but in my head I already murdered Chaeyoung. This is all because of that stupid deal.

Damn, what am I doing?!

 Keep safe! 

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