Chapter 32

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Jennie's POV 

"Damn you! How can i enjoy with this? arg, annoying." chaeng whined and put her things inside her bag. I think even the unnecessary things she also put inside her bag because of annoyance.

"It's okay, you're overacting. don't you feel pity to your cousin? it's his first time here. Of course he doesn't know anything." I said trying to calm her. 

She just rolled her eyes and continue packing her things. In my own case, I'm already ready because i asked Nanny feli to pack the things I asked them to bring and gladly she brought it this morning. So i have nothing to worry now.

And i also told them not to tell mommy where i am right now. SHe keeps on calling my phone but i'm not answering it. I heard from Nanny that Mom's new family are slowly transferring their clothes towards our house.

I felt sad about the thought but then i pushed that thought away. After this, i will talk to her. Just.. not now. that's all. Not now. I want to do it when i'm ready. 

Anyway, Chaeyoung's mother called her just yesterday two days before the outing. Her cousin from states will stay here in her condo before going to their province.  And her mom knew that we are going to outing so her mom begged her to bring her cousin with us. 

"Ang btw chipmunk. Who's cousin you're talking about? is it Dahyun?" it was her cousin from states and i knew her because her  brother was my ex fling. Though i hope he's not the one chaeng talking about. 

she rolled her eyes. "Duh, She can't she's just 12 years old for pete's sake! Of course your ex!" 

My eyes widened. I looked at her with a very shocked expression. "S-hit, really.." i bit my lower lip. "Wait he's not my ex!" 

"okay fine, yeah right you don't take someone seriously back then." she massaged her temple. 

What the fuck? Is he mad at me? What will happen if we're on the camp, Will he embarrass me? My goodness. Lisa is there! and i still need to talk to her. 



Chaeng rolled her eyes again for the nth time. She's really pissed, i can tell.

"I'm telling you Harry! Don't you dare interfere with my business there! I will surely kick you back to States if you did." Chaeng said while were travelling towards the venue. She's talking non-stop, while me i'm just silently sitting here  acting like a fcking wind. 

Harry was on the backseat. Chaeng's very hot cousin fresh from italy which happens to be my ex-fling! Ever since he arrived, i ignored him. Though ican see him staring at me, and also i see him smirkiing sometimes. Tsk. 

"Why would i?  I'm a good boy, a very good looking boy." He grinned while biting his lips. He laughed and chaeng curse at him. 

On the other hand, Harry changed a lot. I admit, he's already handsome back then but now, He really did have a glow up. He was really tall and dashing back then but now, it's a hundred fold more.  Well-toned muscles, firmer biceps.. name it. 

But nonetheless, Lisa is way more attractive. 

I shook my head. Lisa again! 

"Hey, you." My jaw clenched when Harry  touched my shoulder, he was now near me. "Why are you ignoring me? Jennie?" he smiled mischievously. "C'mon, we've been a very good friend back then." 

When i heard what he have said, i can't help but roll my eyes.arrogant. But he still recognizes me, hmm "We're not." i said. 

"Ohh, I don't think so. We have picture back then here on my phone, I never deleted this  even if i changed my phone a lot of times." He said and get his phone on his  bag. 

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