Minho Imagine #7

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I slung one of Minho's arms around my shoulder, letting him use me to support his body weight.
His breath reeked of alcohol, and his words slurred together, making it near impossible to understand him.

Gally's special drink, turned out to have alcohol in it. Had Minho known, he probably wouldn't have ingested so much. He knows he can't control himself, much less when he's drunk.

He let out a gurgling noise that sounded far from laughter, though it was.
He was muttering random things ranging from "Hippocampi" to "Tartarus". (PJO LIFE)

"Slim it Minho," I hissed, cheeks burning as one of his hands trailed down my back, squeezing me down south.

I heard him snicker, his hand moving away, though not much further.

I kicked open the door to my hut, letting Minho drop onto the spare bed I kept, pulling the covers over him.

I ran a hand through my hair, before grabbing a change of clothes, changing as fast as I could, in hopes that Minho was drunk enough that he dozed off easily.

I rubbed my forearms, shivering as I noticed how cold my hut really was.

I slipped under the covers, rolling over onto my side to face the wall, curling into a ball as to keep warm, letting sleep overtake me.


A few hours into my sleep, I felt the weight in my bed shift, two arms wrapping around me, someone nuzzling their head into the crook of my neck, their steady breaths sending shivers down my spine.

Without even turning to look at who it was, I already knew.

"M-Minho?" I stuttered, craning my neck to look at him. "What are you, uh, doing?"

He smirked at me, clearly still drunk after so long. "Cuddling with the one that I love?"

My pulse quickened, and I began fumbling for words, before finally uttering a measly 2 word reply. "You're lying,"

"No, I'm not," he stated, scrunching his nose up, my mind awing continuously. "I love you,"

I groaned, pushing him away. "You're drunk, Minho. Get back to the other bed,"

I heard him mutter a few profanaties, before mumbling a quiet no.

"Minho," I said, rolling onto my other side to face him. "Get out of my bed."

"But I loveeeeeee youuuuuuuu!"he droned, his breath escaping.

It smelled like a mix of alcohol and morning breath.

"You're drunk Minho, you don't mean that," I rolled my eyes, fake gagging at the smell.

He frowned at me, sticking out his lower lip in an adorable pout. "Please?"

I shook my head, scooting further away from him until my back was pressed up against the wall.

"Then at least let me kiss youuuuu.." he whined, moving closer to me, puckering his lips.

"Stop!" I hissed, pushing him away.

He growled, before pinning me against the mattress, sucking at my neck.

"Minho, stop!" I cried, thrashing my legs.

He ignored me, continuing to work at my neck, drawing an unintentional moan from my lips.
I clamped my mouth shut, squeezing my eyes shut.

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