Thomas Imagine #3

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I looked over at Thomas, to find him pulling his shirt off, throwing it somewhere on the floor. Clearly, he wasn't dealing well with the heat either. I turned to face the wall, my legs sticking out from under the blankets. Sweat covered my forehead like a second layer of clothes sewed into my skin. Hair stuck to my face, too exhausted to pull the strands off my face.

Thomas' arms hung limply around my waist, causing my sweat-soaked shirt to stick to my skin.
I continued to turn on either of my sides, groaning as I couldn't find a comfortable position.

"Thomas, I can't sleeeeeeepppp," I whined, flailing my limbs around.

Thomas tried his best to stop my thrashing, fortunately succeeding.

"Please shut up, y/n," he flicked my forehead, "just because you can't sleep doesn't mean I shouldn't,"

I frowned at him, pushing him further to the opposite side of the bed.

"Butthole.." I muttered, curling into a ball, kicking the blankets off of me.

Minutes passed in silence, the awful noise of Grievers filling my ears. I pulled the pillow out from under Thomas' head, pressing my face into the pillow, pulling it around my ears, muffling the sounds of the Grievers.
Thomas groaned in protest, tugging at the pillow, before finally giving up.

When the noise of the Grievers had finally died down, I smacked Thomas in the face with the pillow, grumbling.

"I still can't sleep Thomas," I stuck my bottom lip out at him, "it's too fucking hot,"

Thomas stared at me, unblinking, before kissing my nose, "then sleep outside," he forced a weak smirk.

My eyebrows furrowed, while I used the back of my hand to wipe sweat off of my forehead, which made absolutely no difference. "you suck Newt ass, Thomas,"

He laughed shakily, before slinging an arm around me, tugging me closer to him, his sweaty chest level with my face. I stuck out my tongue in disgust, though I made no move to pull away. Instead, I traced small patterns with the tips of my fingers along his chest, as a distraction from the heat.
Thomas was soon snoring softly above me, the sound of his heart like a soft drum. I looked up at him, smiling at how peaceful he looked, breathing through his nose, exhaling through a small puff of his lips.

When I couldn't stand it anymore, I buried my face in his chest, screaming in complete annoyance.
He jumped up, as much as one can jump when lying down, glaring at me.

"Dear Gods, y/n, I'm trying to sleep," his eyelids dropped heavily, his eyes staring at me from small slits.

"Well, if I can't sleep, then you can't either," I said simply, "I honestly don't know how much longer I can take this shucking heat. It's so fucking hot," I smirked, "just like me."

Thomas looked down at me, raising an eyebrow, "That's a very Minho thing for you to say, y/n."

I shrugged, continuing to blabber on about how hot it was, Thomas frowning in protest, trying his best to block me out.

"-can't stand this heaatttttttt!" I droned on, Thomas unable to sleep at all.

When finally, he could no longer take anymore, his eyes shot wide open, as he pushed me against the wall in an upright position, pinning my hands above my head.

"If you don't shut up about how hot it is, I'm going to give you a shucking reason to feel hot," his breath fanned my cheek, an ache for him growing in the pit of my stomach.

"It's hot," I said again, smirking.

Thomas smirked back at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. A feeling of both tension and want hung in the air around us.
His lips came crashing down on mine, his hands slipping under my shirt, ignoring the sweaty feeling.
His hands traced my spine, sliding back down at killer speed, only to repeat the same thing once more.

His lips traveled down my neck, working at a spot just above my collarbone, before returning back to my lips, leaving peppered kisses along my jawline. If my hands weren't pinned above my head, I would have pulled him closer.
As if reading my mind, he released my wrists, which soon tangled themselves in his hair.

"I said I'm going to give you a reason to feel hot," he mumbled against my lips, "be prepared to scream all night,"

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