Thomas Imagine #2

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"Truth or dare, or spin the bottle?" Minho raised an eyebrow questioningly at the group.

"Truth or dare," I mumble quietly, the rest of the group nodding in response. "I don't exactly feel like kissing .." I glanced around, "Most of the people here,"

"Except me," smirked Minho, wiggling his eyebrows. "Guess we know what your first dare will be."

"Unless she picks truth!" Chimed in Thomas, lamely.

I roll my eyes as Minho starts off, his eyes falling on Newtie Patootie who was sitting quietly in a corner, clearly not wanting to play.

The game went on for a while, I droned out, especially for the truths that involved me.
Coming from Minho of course.
This ranged from "Would you repopulate with y/n," to "How hot is y/n on a scale of 1/10"

Of course most people said 10, because, come on, I'm about as hot as Minho after he finishes running.
And that's hot.

Gally smirked as his eyes landed on Thomas, who sat silently beside me, a smile plastered on his face.

"Truth or dare, Tommyboy?"

Thomas scrunched up his nose, my Fangirl senses combusting, "Dare,"

"I dare you," his eyes drifted over to mine, "To sleep with y/n tonight. In the same bed. Cuddling."

I groaned, rolling my eyes, though I couldn't help but feel happy. "Why do these dares always involve me? I'm not some toy."

"Maybe not," said Newt, clearly interested now. "But you're a girl and things can get intense so..

"Holy. Oh my god, Newt!"

Minho patted Thomas on the head as if he were a child, a grin on his face. "And with that dare being said, for no particular reason, lets all head to bed."

He winked at me before sauntering out the door, the other guys following close behind.

"Why do I get the feeling they set this up.?" I muttered, leaning my head against the wall.

"Because they probably shucking did.." Thomas stood up, holding out a hand. "Lets just get this over with,"

"You're pretty loyal to these dares, aren't you?" I took his hand, standing up.

He shrugged, before walking out the door.
I followed close behind, with a crooked smile. (AUGUSTUS)


Thomas jumped into his bed, curling into the sheets as if he were a 5 year old. I stood there staring at him until he opened his arms towards me, wiggling his eyebrows.

"C'mere baby," he grinned.

I felt my cheeks heat up, but I obliged, sitting cross legged on his bed.
His arms wrapped around me from behind, his chin resting on my shoulder, making my cheeks heat up even more.

"Even in the dark I can see you blushing," mumbled Thomas, "Im not saying you don't look adorable when you do, but legit you blush way too shucking easily."

I shrugged him off of me, lying down, taking up as much space as I could.

"You could at least save me some room ya know..." he muttered, grabbing my wrist, pulling me into his chest. His arms wrapped around me, our legs tangled, his face buried in my hair.
I squirmed uncomfortably, loving this moment way too much, but feeling extremely awkward.

"Stop acting like you don't shucking enjoy this." Said Thomas. I could hear his smirk.

Eventually I gave in, snuggling into him, burying my face in his chest.

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