Thomas/Gally Imagine

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I apologize for any bad feels I give you.. x;
And I See Fire is my favourite dong, next to Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys.
Fking play the video.


The screeching of metal against metal fills the Glade. Its louder than usual, and it reminds me of when I first showed up in the shuck Box.

I was sitting in a corner, avoiding the gaze of any of the Gladers. I shut myself out for days. Didn't talk to nobody.

It took a while, but the alarm finally went off, almost every Glader rushing over to find out who the unlucky victim was this month.

A felt a hand clasp onto my left shoulder, causing me to jump, though it was only Alby.

"Your turn, greenie." He mutters, before stepping away from me as if I was some contagious disease.

The doors began sliding open, and a figure was curled up into a ball at the bottom of the cage.

The person looked more vulnerable than Winston's pigs on Frypan Friday, which is when Frypan makes his famous bacon, obviously.

I looked over at Alby who nodded, and returned his gaze back to the figure, whose face was covered by their arms.

Sighing, I jumped down into the Box, squatting down beside the figure.

"Hey," I said softly. "You can sit up now. Its over."

I saw an eye peer at me, and an arm move away, then the next, excruciatingly slowly.

Finally I could see all the features of the persons face.

It was another girl.

She had pale skin, blue eyes, and black hair.

Pretty simple, but she was stunning.

All the other Gladers above me seemed to notice the person was a girl, and a lot of the muttering above me ranged from "damn, she's hot," to "I call dibs."

Don't remember them doing that for me. Can't really feel like less than myself in the Glade. You wouldn't hear the end of it.

I held out my hand to the girl, who took it reluctantly, standing up with me.

"Can you tell me your name?" I asked her quietly.

She nodded, looking at her feet.

"It's Jane."

Her voice was quiet. Delicate.

Not fit to be in the Glade.

"Well, Jane," I tried to keep my tone calm. Tried to not show I was jealous. "Welcome to the Glade."

Someone threw a rope down, the rope with a loop at the end, and Jane easily stepped into it. The boys clearly estimated her weight wrong, because she flung up faster than Chuck did.

Everybody's attention turned to her, and I, of course, had to climb out of the Box, because these shuck faces were too dumbfounded by her beauty.

Beauty doesn't do well in the Glade.

They should know that by now.

Once I got out, Jane was lying on top of one of the boys, Clint, who had helped her out, and she constantly said sorry, though didn't try to get up.

Clint muttered an 'its okay' in response, before pushing her off of himself.

He didn't seem very infatuated by her beauty. This seemed to calm me.

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