His Thoughts On You

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In his perspective.


She's perfect

I've never met someone who understands me so much. She's so beautiful I fall for her again every time I see her, and every time we hug I never want to let her go.

She's my everything, and I swear if I lose her, I will lose my mind.


She's almost as sassy as me.

She's so adorable I just can't stand it! I love the way she scrunches her nose when she laughs, and her eyes are just the most amazing things you'll ever see!

I just love her so much, and obviously, being Minho, I've shucking shouted it out before.

Y/n is just so amazing its just, ugh.

She might almost be better looking than me.


She's amazing.

Alby says that I've been bloody off since my.. Jump.

But ever since she showed up in that box I've never been the same. I love her so bloody much, and if I ever lost her I don't know what I'd do.

She's all I could ever ask for and she's bloody beautiful. I don't think I'll ever leave her.

I love her.


She works wonders.

She's the only one who can calm me down when I'm mad, and I don't know where I'd be without her.

Probably dead.. Or starving in the Slammer.

She's amazing and I don't think I've ever loved anyone so shucking much!

Y/n is perfect, and I just love her.

I love her laugh, her smile, everything.

She's perfect.



Awe okay idek I find this adorable because cmon the boys are saying they love me WHO WOULDNT WANT THAT OMF

Thanks noses c;
I got me some rock climbing tomorrow..


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