Minho Imagine #2 (Not Happy)

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I feel like writing something not as happy.. Lmao. So
Its not sad..
But its like, I don't know. Just read it lmao.

"Enough!" Minho slams his hands down on the table in the Map Room. "You're never going to be a Runner, so stop shucking asking!"

I glare at him, flames of fury burning inside of me. "Why can't I?"

"Because you're a shucking girl, y/n. The only girl in this shuck Glade, in fact." Minho says, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Sexist much?" I sigh. "I can do anything a guy can do."

Minho smirks, "even impregn-"

I cut him off. "Minho. No. Shut up."

He rolls his eyes and continues to sketch out his section of the maze.

I walk up behind him, and wrap my arms around his waist.

"At least let me try." I say, trying to be as convincing as possible.

He pushes me off of him and pins me against the wall.

"Y/n you're not going into the shucking maze, and that's final." He says, trying not to raise his voice.

Every time. I think. Every time I ask for something its always no. For once I'd like to fucking help out, do something for a change.

Be a part of finding a way out.

I stare up at his big brown eyes, frowning. "You don't even know if I'm capable of being a Runner and you're already saying I can't shucking be one!" My voice begins to raise.

So of course, Minho does the same with his own voice. "Listen here, and listen well." He runs his fingers through his hair. "You're probably capable of being a Runner, but its hell out there."

I roll my eyes, as he says the same thing every day.

"And if its shucking hell out there, that's putting you at risk. And I'm not letting that happen."

My frown turns into a snarl, and I ball my fists. "Minho you can't shucking protect me from everything!"

"Well I can try can't I?" Mumbles Minho.

"You can try." I heave a sigh. "Notice the keyword, try."

Minho stares at me blankly. "I am the shucking Keeper of the Runners, and I say you can't be a Runner! So just let it go!"

I want to shout at him.

To tell him what a shucking slinthead he is.

I wanna slap him right across the face, and I want to feel the rush of adrenaline when I do.

But I can't.

I can't because I love him.

"Let it go my face !" I throw my hands up in defeat. "Sometimes I just wish you weren't so protective!"

Before you know it Minho's hand connects with your cheek.

He actually slapped me.

Minho, the guy whose always trying to protect me, slapped me.

That little shuck faced shank..

"I'm protective because its hell here. Because I shucking care about you!" Minho yells, his face red.

"You know," I say, tears cascading down my cheeks. "I never met someone who slaps me, and then tells me they care about me. I really haven't met someone so shucking stupid. But I guess I have now, slinthead."

Minho realises what he had just done, and he stares at the red mark on your face in horror.

It takes him a while to take in everything, but finally he starts to speak. But I don't let him.

"Y/n I'm so sor-"

"Save it," I say, pushing him off of me as I was still pinned to the wall.

I walk out of the Map Room, tears still trickling down my cheeks, my left cheek burning from the impact of the slap.

I can hear Minho calling after me, but I keep walking. I can hear his voice cracking, and I can just tell he doesn't have the will to keep yelling.

For once I felt like somebody cared about me.

Almost nobody in the Glade cares about me.

Newt does.

So does Gally, and Chuck, and Thomas.

But Minho... Well, I'm actually not too sure anymore. 

(There will be a part 2 lel)

Anyway I don't have any ideas for imagines so.. Yeah .

If you wanna request an imagine fill this in (type it in comments, example below):

Name (your name)- :)

Boy - Minho (becuz Minho is )

What you look like - Asian, brown hair, dark brown eyes, short

Story plot - (I can't think of any on the spot and I will not think of a plot for you)

Mood of imagine - cuddly.

If you don't fill out all of them I'm not doing one for you :3 thanks.

Bei noses x;

The Maze Runner Imagines/PreferencesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang