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So idk if y'all heard but I went to a 5SOS concert yesterday (July 25th) and it was hella good but if you don't wanna read about it you can leave now :))))

So idk it was legit the best day ever like okay
I got to the venue at like 11:30am for a meetup with a bunch of other people and I was there with 5 other people. We had like a Canadian flag that we all signed and wrote our twitters on (go follow me I'm @/michaelssponge ((: )4 of them ditched me and went back to their hotel so I was like "k"
And then I hung out around gate 9 until like 2:30pm, and I started walking to gate 3 with the friend that didn't ditch me, and so Hey Violet did an acoustic hangout at that gate. They played like 3 songs, I think..? One of them was "Smash Into You" but I don't really remember the rest. After the hangout we got pictures and I went back down to buy merch. It was damn expensive

These were the prices of some of the stuff (CAD)

Shirts - $45
Hoodies - $75
Wrist bands - $15
Tour poster - I think it was either $10 or $15
4 pack poster (the one with one of the boys on each one of them with their faces blown back and signature) - $20
Programme book - $25
Hey Violet shirts - $35 I think
I think there were bracelets and a few other things but I'm not sure what they go for

I bought the black tour shirt ($45) the 4 pack poster ($20), the programme book ($25) and the adjustable wrist band bc I liked that one better ($10).
My tickets were $95 and I bought three lmao. Let's take a moment to add up everything

$385. And the tickets had a bunch of other shit fees so basically I spent $400+ on 5sos
THANKYOU FOR TAKING MY MONEY it was worth it tho

Okay then after buying merch (4:30pm) my phone died
:000000000000 like shit no
Like phone you worked fine yesterday the fuck are you doing now
Then my dad gets her and is like "no u can't charge your phone mom is driving away" and I'm like
Why the fuck didn't you text me that before

Okay but anyway while I was waiting in line to get into the venue, carrying my merch bc I didn't bring a bag, this 10 yr old girl behind me the entire time:

I'm just there like
honey you need to chill I was not like this at 10. It wasn't even a picture of Michael it was a corner of all their faces. Granted, it looked the most like Michael, but does it not look the least bit distorted? Like.. Okay???

And then she's just like to her friends that are probably 13 or smth

"Okay I have a picture of mIKE I need to show you"

Like does this bother anyone else like who the fuck is Mike.
It is Mike-y. MIKEY not MIKE

Literally I'm just standing there like wtf

So then when we're in the arena I go to my seats yes (sec 111, row 19)
And my feet were so cold OMg
And then she's kinda hot came on before the actual concert like it showed the lyric video and everyone was singing and just
And then they went off and then we just sat there for a while listening to the music they played. (They put on Saturday Night Fever and September too ) (September is a great song tbh)
And then all the lights went off and I went deaf but I was like hOLY SHIT
and the countdown be all like TEN
I'm just there wondering how the fuck those girls scream for so long like omg I can't scream at all
And then
Ashton was drumming the fuck out and I just
I couldn't hear anymore tbh
I don't event remember the first song they played omg I hate myself I think it was End Up Here. I think Everything I Didn't Say was after and then it was Disconnected.
When they went all quiet and played Wrapped Around Your Finger I fucking died like fuCKING DEAD
I just cri evritim

My dad the entire time "ok."
The " last " song they played was SLSP and omg that was awesome I just iCANF PCD WYD

And then the encore I died at the screaming like literally it gradually got louder and louder and my dad was like hOly crap

And they played Good Girls and WILAY for the encore (like always) but they didn't play pizza

I was sad afterwards tbh bc PCD and it was crowded as shit.
I got on the sky train home and a girl on the sky train got Ashton's drumstick holy shit
I, on the other hand had a dead phone, and had to walk home in the cold carrying my merch with major PCD but whATEVER OK OK

Tbh I really liked Smash Into You and American Idiot and SLSP were really good. Permanent Vacation and She's Kinda Hot just
I can't anymore
what is life
I can't even comprehend the fact that it happened but it flew by so fùcking fast I just ofmwkfnem
Like its so surreal I just bYE

That was basically what happened. I met a ton of my Twitter friends there so that's 10/10 and the concert was 10/10 and it was hands down the best concert tbh and idk I might see Taylor Swift on the first of August but I'm probably just gonna show up and buy merch and then leave.

My dad: "they were ok"
"The drummer is better than some drummers"
"The guitar was ok"
"Their opening act was better than them"

Ok dad

If any of you guys are gonna go see Taylor Swift or if you saw 5SOS on July 25th at Rogers Arena

Comment [here] if you saw 5sos

[here] if you're gonna see Taylor Swift

Andddd I'll see you guys soon xx

Thanks and ily guys so much tbh

[Questions Here]

Posted: 07/16/15

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