What He Does When You're Angry At Him

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This preference idea was off of @shuckingshanks
Also I reworded her ideas because they were amazing and I couldn't think of anything lmao.

So all credits to @shuckingshanks





Thomas, being the stubborn person he is, will never stop talking to you. He'll keep talking about how he loves you and that he's sorry and he'll keep talking until you finally give in and forgive him.


Minho would steal kisses when you're not paying attention, thus catching you off guard.

This basically makes you forgot why you're mad at him in the first place, but he'll make sure to apologise afterwards.


He would try to make you laugh in any way that he can. Even if it meant cracking horrible jokes over and over, or just plain tickling you, he'll do anything to see you smile again.

This usually gets you to forgive him immediately.


He would try to talk things through with you, and if that doesn't work he would make you his 'special drink' which of course of everybody (including you) hates, so that you end up coughing, sputtering, and laughing. You end up laughing so much that you end up forgiving him, and he always ends with kissing your forehead.



I just needed something to update lmao.

So sorry if this is bad.

Tank chu noses.


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