First Date (AU)

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I almost wrote Aau.
Amazingly amazing universe.
Amazing alternate universe.

Amazing alternate universe where no fictional characters die and we can all live in love and peace. Yep.




Your first date took place at, well, a movie.

Not the movies, but just a regular movie at home. You two started by just sitting beside each other, watching random movies, but it soon moulded into cuddling, and before you guys knew it, your head was resting in his lap, as his thumbs stroked your temple.


Rock climbing.

He tends to climb slower than you, and Minho being the cheesy, dirty minded, sassy guy he is, he always says, and i quote.

"The view down here is great." Except he's not quite looking down, but rather up.

Also he'd occasionally catch up to you, somehow making you fall, so that he has to catch you, and you both end up tumbling down, his strong arms wrapped around you, your legs tangled together.


(Special fact - when I updated this it was 9:11am for Thomas Sangster x;)

Long boarding 

Newt seems like, a quiet guy, but not really.

If you get to know him, he's pretty lively.

You, of course, don't know how to long board, resulting in Newt having to teach you, but he always let's you fall, so he can run up and catch you, both of you falling onto the floor into a heap of laughter.


A baseball game.

Both of you hate baseball.

Big time..

But of course, Thomas loves it, resulting in you, Gally, Newt, and Minho all having to show up to watch him fail at a sport he loves.

The very first time you guys went to a baseball game, of all the people in the stadium, the kiss cam landed on you two.

You both insisted that it was fine, but since Newt and Minho were there, they basically forced you two to kiss.

Which you ended up doing anyway.



I was too lazy to do like an imagine for each one.. So I just did a small preference. Yeah.

Thanks noses.

Jk no. ._.


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