Minho Imagine #5

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Honestly I don't get it.

How can I like a boy so much, yet despise him all the same?

Shuck Minho. I don't even know why I like him.

He's honestly the sassiest, biggest jerk in the Glade, besides Gally.

Or maybe that's just the way I see it, or maybe he only treat me like so.

He's a shuck-face.
Possibly the shuckiest shuck-faced shuck there ever was.

He's a muscular, good-looking, perfectly quiffed black hair, Asian, shuck face.

Messed up emotions.
So very messed up.

But god is he adorable. His cheesy smirk, the way he runs a hand through his hair, his buff arms, the way he runs.

Everything about him is perfect, y'know, except his asshole-yness.

I look up at the sky to find the sun setting, creating a shade of pinkish orange across the sky.
The grass under my feet is soft, though not damp.

I lay my back on the grass and watch as the stars begin to come out.

My life must be pretty boring to be watching stars come out, although I do live in the Glade, pretty much the most not boring place in the world.

Whatever is left in the world of course, because I don't remember.

I feel a presence lie down next to me, and a warm, calloused hand slip into mine, interlocking our fingers.

Too lazy to look over, I simply just stare at the sky, until the person clears his throat.

"Who are you?" I ask, without looking over at the boy.

"Uh," he begins, and I immediately know who it is. "it's Minho."

As if it was a common reaction, I try to pull my hand back, but his strong firm hand, holds mine in place, squeezing slightly tighter, though not so much that it hurts.

"Why are you here? Don't you hate me?" I question him, still not looking over.

He almost chokes on my question, completely baffled. "hate you? Why would I hate you?"

This time, I do look over at him. "Um, let's see. You treat me like klunk, you basically choose me as your sparring partner every time a Glader comes up and we have that big bonfire, and you kind of insult me in every way that you can."

I thought id be complete tongue-tied if I tried to talk to him, but I'm not.

In fact, this is easier than I thought.

Even though it is going kind of.. angrily.

"Yeah, about that." he let our a small cough, turning his head to look at me. "I d-don't hate you at all. In fact, the exact opposite."

I raise my eyebrows at him. "and that means...?"

He puffs out a small sigh, "it means that I shucking like you, y/n. I don't know why I was treating you like that.. probably because I thought I was being strong, but Im so shucking sorry."

Since he's obviously stronger than me, though not by much, he tugs me over to him so that I'm lying on top of him, though he flips me over, so that he's lying on top of me, his face inches from mine.

I give him a small grin, and lean his forehead against mine.

"Well then, slinthead." I say quietly, "you should probably know that I like you too.. a lot."

He smirks at me, and crashes his lips down on my own, my hands tangled in his hair, his hands cupping my face.



I had read this not well written Minho Imagine, so I changed it up, and this was what it became x;

4 more days till Christmas.

Who can wait? I don't even know what to get for Christmas. c;

Thanks Noses. sorry for the holdup.

My bæ doesn't like me back though I don't think.
Sucky Christmas gift from him.


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