Thomas/Gally Imagine (Part 2)

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I sat there, somehow hearing the wails and cries of Gally, I'm guessing over all the noise of the changing Maze that I now belonged to. I stared up at the massive walls, somehow fearless. Adrenaline coursed through my veins.

God I was angry. No, I was furious. Outraged.

To put it in words I want to shucking slit Newt's throat, but obviously that wasn't going to happen because I'm stuck outside in this bloody Maze!
Also the fact that I wouldn't do that to my friend, but for him, it clearly doesn't matter banishing his own friend, no matter how close they were.

The walls loomed above me, as if taunting me. Waiting for me to make a move before the Maze strikes. They wanted me to feel like I had a chance of surviving. though I knew I didn't.

I pushed myself up off of my butt, because obviously I was sitting on my butt like any other normal human being, and started to wander. The sound of the Griever's nearby didn't scare me the slightest, nor the moving walls. I continued to run through the Maze like any other Runner would, though I ran my right hand along the wall, feeling the ridged bumps of the Maze, the thick ivy vines creating a pattern.

I knew I wasn't going to survive, not a shucking chance, but I would at least go down trying rather than sitting there like a massive lump of nothingness waiting for death. I wasn't that lazy.

I turned left, then right, looking up at the sky above me, admiring the dark blue glow that emanated from the sky, the stars standing out on the dark base.

So distracted by the scenery above me, and completely infatuated with the pattern that my fingers ran over, I nearly ran smack into a Griever. Thank shuck I didn't.

The yellowy goo dripped from it's strange mouth as it slowly moved towards me, as if teasing me. Seeing if I would react.

It's mechanical arms taunted me, the sharp weaponry retracting and spinning, as if the Griever was trying to distract me. Nice try, though not nice enough. My forehead was beaded with sweat, my fists clenched making my hands clammy.

I took one last glance at the Griever that stood before me before turning on my heel, and sprinting in the opposite direction, the sound of the Griever chasing me echoing through the Maze, most likely scaring the shit out of Gally, and attracting even more Grievers.

I continued turning sharp corners at full speed, the Griever following hot on my trail. I cursed quietly as I nearly ran into a wall, and quickly steadied myself before continuing to run. It was now I realised how much I hated the Maze. It was horrible. I don't know why I ever wanted to be a Runner. What does Minho see in this?

I guess he likes anything that keeps his body fit, and let's just say he's doing a pretty damn good job.

I felt something sharp prick my side, pure pain coursing through my veins.
I scrramed, A high pitched, shrilly scream. It's as if I was going crazy. I felt like I could hear someone scream after me, as if trying to communicate with me Sighing, I clutched my side, limping over to a small spot that the ivy vines grew plentiful in, and easily rolled into the foliage, hiding myself as best as I could. The ivy was great for hiding. Don't understand why the other shucks that got 'banished' didn't try it.

Oh that's right they consisted of half-crazy Griever stung shucks that were idiotic boys. Yep. Greatt.

Without even realizing it, I began to drift off, and soon fell into a dreamless sleep, filled with pits of black.


My arms ached when I woke up. not to mention the crick in my neck. Daylight shone through the ivy vines, and I rolled out of my hiding spot.

Slowly I began making my way back to the Glade.

It didn't take long to get back. In fact, I was there in a matter of minutes. I stopped just outside the door where nobody could see me, and peered at the Glade. Gally and Chuck were sitting by the door, Gally looking as if he was trying to convince himself rather than Chuck that, I'm guessing, I was okay.

They won't welcome me back. They banished me. They don't want me back.

I just want to talk to Gally one last time, though I couldn't push away the nagging feeling that I wanted to see Thomas, so I simply put it in the back of my head to deal with later.

Taking a deep breath, i waltzed through the Door, Gally and Chuck looking up at me as if they didn't believe me.

They stared at me in complete silence, Gally's Adams apple bobbing up and down.

"I'm back, bastards." I said quietly, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Missed me?"

Gally stared at me, his lips parted, his eyes bulging out of his head, whereas little Chuck cracked a smile, his rosy cheeks turning red.


I placed my hands on my hips, modding. "Don't miss me?"

Gally opened his mouth to speak, but a wave of fatigue swept over me, my vision blackening at the edges.
I toppled over, expecting to hit the ground, but Gally's arm snaked around my waist, pulling me close to his chest.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

I shook my head, trying to blink away the blackness.
He raised an eyebrow at me, looking over at my side.
He lifted up a small portion of my shirt to reveal a purplish sting, veins sticking out, pain stabbing my side.
I winced, wrapping my arms around his neck to keep from slipping.

He bit his lip, before kissing my forehead, "it'll be okay," he whispered quietly, not quite believing it himself.

Blackness overtook me. The last thing I remembered was crumbling to the ground, Gladers surrounding me as a syringe plunged into my stomach.


I originally planned and wrote it where Y/N is all happy and stuff but I thought t was too boring so here's you're part 2 >.<
You're so welcome.


The Maze Runner Imagines/PreferencesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora