Chapter 80

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Her Warriors were set to record a couple of episodes of Run that day, so The Muse thought it would be fairly easy to avoid the husbands. Hobi had actually gotten personal shoppers from 3 different boutiques to come and take her measurements, one of which was a lingerie store. So she was stocked with a new wardrobe, including shoes and undergarments by the end of the day. Plus, their sponsorship with FILA reached out to her as well, and they supplied her with quite a lot of sportswear, to her great delight. Although Hobi reminded her she was not supposed to wear it all the time, which was a shame. The clothes were comfortable.

     There was a side office space she was able to use to meet the shoppers throughout the day. It was almost like she was alone. Almost. Steve was in there with her, keeping a close eye on these women as they worked. He had been updated on The Queen's 'condition', and seemed to be even more vigilant than he had been before.

      The Muse didn't know whether she was relieved or disappointed that none of her husbands checked in on her. But, Namjoon and his ever present "What to do when expecting", or whatever it was he was reading, was all over her. He brought in the exact number of water bottles she was supposed to drink, and measured out the appropriate amount of calories she was supposed to take in for lunch. Luckily he didn't see Steve sneak in the extra plate she asked for, or the chocolate milkshake she had before she took a nap.

    If only every place they went had a room like this, she'd be so happy! As long as she didn't latch the door, she was safe. Even though Min-ho said that Sejong wouldn't whip her now that she was pregnant, she wasn't going to risk it. She knew that the bastard was not beyond whipping her somewhere other than her torso.

   The Muse was able to nap on a couch rather than a pile of sweatshirts left on the floor. She felt cold and needed touch, but was able to get through the day relatively ok.

   Curled in Hoseok's lap at Seokjin's apartment that evening, she tried to calm the fears of three incredibly protective Warriors that had not had much experience with women and infants in general.

"It's ok if we have to wait to see a doctor until we get back from Japan. We aren't going to be gone that long, plus that will give me time to do some research about who to see."

"I made a list of women's health and delivery specialists around Seoul," said Namjoon as he opened up his notes on his phone, "There are a few with really good ratings, and I'm positive Big Hit works with some of them."

"Joon?" she said gently from where her head lay in the crook of Hoseok's neck, "Please allow me to do some research. I appreciate the work you've put in, and I understand you want what's best for me, but in the end I'm the one having this baby and I need to make sure I'm comfortable with whatever is chosen."

Namjoon agreed, although he insisted to have a printout for her so she could better make her decision. He also had a bag full of prenatal vitamins for her to start, "As soon as you finish your dinner. They say to take with food."

With a low chuckle she asked, "Are you done packing? We leave in the morning, don't we?"

They both nodded, claiming to be ready for the next leg of the tour.

"How are things going at the dorm?" Jinnie asked, "I didn't really get a chance to talk to any of them today."

Hobi's body tensed up, "Do you know that none of them have even opened that envelope?" he said, completely exasperated, "It's still sitting on the table in the living room! Right where Yeppeun left it. And when I asked any of them about it, they all just refused to talk and walked away." he shook his head "I just don't understand any of this." he wrapped his arms a little tighter around The Muse, trying to give her some comfort and security.

"I gave them the information, Hobi." she said in a low, sad voice. "It's up to them to do with it what they will. For the time being, the only people I want to hide this pregnancy from is the managers and ARMY. At least until I get my head wrapped around it and feel a little more grounded. My husbands made their decision clear, and I'm just going to have to do my best with what I have before me. I'm just sorry that you three are bearing the brunt of it and having to pick up what they are neglecting. I hate having to be taken care of like this."

None of them could deny it, but all three of her Warriors assured her that they were up for the task.

"We will be the best uncles we can be, Yeppeun." Joon took her hand and pulled her onto his lap on the other side of the couch, "You are not in this alone."

That brought tears to her eyes. But this time they weren't sad tears. These were tears of gratitude and love toward these men who were taking her and her baggage on without a hint of resentment. Whether she was with her husbands or not, she was going to be ok.

"Can you feel the baby yet?" asked Joon, planting his palm over her belly.

The Muse had to laugh, "No, Joonie. You won't feel anything for a couple more months. I haven't even tried to connect to it yet. I still can't believe Sejong did this now. What good could come from forcing a child on us when we've only just met?" she sighed, laying her head down on Namjoon's shoulder.

Hobi looked at his phone and back up at Namjoon, "We should get going. We have to do last minute checks on our luggage and get some sleep."

Joonie tightened his arms around The Muse and then let her get up to get her bear hug from Hobi. They each kissed her forehead before heading back to the dorm, where her husbands were all sitting in solitude. Unsure and unhappy about the path they had chosen with no clue how to fix it.

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