Chapter 125/ Epilogue

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 The arrival of the COVID-19 Pandemic coincided with Petal's birth, and with it came quarantine. The Warriors were all stressed about the changes in their schedules, and the health of everyone around them, but with quarantine also came plenty of Petal time. Baby girl was rarely not in someone's arms for the first few weeks of her life.

Yoongi had regular nap times with the little bundle snuggled up on his chest and nuzzled into his neck.

Jungkook found ways of incorporating her into his at-home workout routine. It was very gentle for the time being, but The Muse was sure he'd be chucking Petal into the air as far as he could the moment she was ready for it.

Jimin could often be heard singing to her as they danced around the room. The Muse melted a little bit every time she watched him waltz around with the little pink bundle held tight to his cheek as he sang song after song to his precious Petal.

Taehyung did occasionally lay her down, but was only so he could lay with her with his arms around her while he sang songs, kissed on her little cheeks and generally loved her to pieces.

The Muse got to have her time with her daughter every couple of hours when the baby got hungry, but that was usually not alone time since there was normally a husband or two snuggled up with them while Petal ate her fill.

As the weeks progressed, Petal's cheeks started to fill out and she developed sweet little rolls on her arms and legs. Her squeals of laughter when Uncle Hobi played with her got louder, and she was able to stay awake longer to concentrate on Uncle Joonie when he read to her. She could also be found on Uncle Jinnie's lap watching him play some sort of video game while she flailed her arms and legs around at the excitement on the screen.

Having Idols for fathers and uncles, Petal also had her fair share of photo shoots. It seemed they were always coming up with some sort of cute concept to go along with a precious outfit one of her many grandparents had sent. Thankfully, Petal was patient with all of the attention, and seemed to enjoy her mini modeling career, as long as the sessions didn't last too long and came with plenty of snack breaks.

Her grandparents were all anxious to meet her, and they made sure to video chat daily to see her. Yoongi's parents were particularly proud to have the first child be a Min, and were having a hard time not telling everyone they had ever met about their little miracle.

The pandemic was very helpful with keeping Petal's birth a secret. They did have to go to the Big Hit building often, but they were never in public and never in the presence of paparazzi, so Petal had so far been spared the stress and anxiety of the crush of fans.

The Warriors had decided to use their down time to work on a new album, and be as involved as they could be in the entire process. They were also planning as many online events for ARMY as they could come up with, hoping to stay in contact with their fans the best way they safely could.

Although they missed their fans and being able to see them in person, they were also thankful to have this time with their little family. Taehyung asked daily to have more babies. "There's only one of her and so many of us. We need more." was one of his favorite arguments when one of the other dads was having their time with their daughter. "On the other hand," he would say as he gave her his most charming look, "Petal being busy with them means that you are currently unoccupied..."

They had all learned to seduce without actually physically touching their wife, using their connections to kiss and touch in a way she could have a choice in. Not that she ever said no. But, it was having the choice that made it even that much more special.

It didn't take too long before Tae accomplished his goal.

Their online concert in June was a huge success. Petal was getting used to wearing the protective silencing earphones in short bursts, which cut the fussiness down quite a bit. And, although she really wanted to be with her daddies, Petal was entranced with just watching them perform.

Thankfully Sejong had agreed to allow The Muse to be in a quiet room, away from the noise, when Petal needed a break. He was in love with the little one, and was far easier to work with when it was a request for her.

The men were back at the office the day after the online concert, taking a lunch break with Petal sitting in a little chair in the middle of the table where she could see everyone and get all of the attention. The Muse was laughing at her princess as she seemed to lord over her subjects with her little spiky ponytails bouncing around with her every movement. She was a little over 4 months old now, and had a lot of energy until it was nap time. Then, like her father, she would fall asleep wherever she happened to be, and not much would disturb her.

"Oh, she's not going to be happy when she has to share all this attention." said The Muse as she tried to wipe her daughters face and hands clean. Petal had recently started trying some veggie puree's, and she was obviously not a fan whatever this particular green mixture was.

Yoongi took over trying to get the little one to try some more of the green goo by making faces at her while avoiding her excited grabby hands.

Jungkook grabbed his wife and brought her down on his lap for a quick cuddle. He fed her a piece of steamed pork before giving her a sweet kiss, their connection opening naturally as they looked into each other's eyes.

"There are enough of us to go around. Our Petal will always have plenty of attention, won't she?" said Jimin as he, too, started making silly, smiley faces at their daughter.

"Do you think so?" The Muse asked from her place in Jungkook's lap, "Well, we will find out sooner than you think."

Taehyung hand, food and all, fell back to his plate, "What are you saying, Yeppeun?" his excitement was palpable as he looked at his wife.

"Are you really that surprised, Kim Taehyung?" The Muse had to laugh, "You've been very actively trying to get me pregnant again since Petal was born."

He jumped to his feet and ran around the table, lifting her off of Jungkook's lap and into his arms.

"Is it mine this time, Yeppeun? Is the baby mine?" Tae had tears in his eyes and a smile that shone brighter than the sun as she nodded her head. He buried his face in her neck and cried tears of utter joy. After a moment he let out a loud whoop, scaring Petal who burst into tears of a different sort. Jimin admonished Taehyung and helped Yoongi pull her out of the chair so they could shower her with love until she calmed herself down.

This pregnancy announcement was met with love and happiness. The mood in the room had Petal responding happily. She wasn't coordinated enough to really clap yet, but she flailed her arms around in excitement, accidentally hitting both Yoongi and Jimin in the face in the process.

Jinnie came over to give The Muse a hug, congratulating her and kissing the top of her head, "Can we have a boy this time, Yeppeun?" he laughed, "Not that I don't love having our baby girl around." They all knew that Jin was wrapped around Petal's tiny pinky, and he regularly kissed her tiny fingers to acknowledge that fact.

The Muse looked around at the men in her life and smiled. Her whole world had changed so much over the past year. She still thought about her past life, and still felt pangs of pain when she thought about her son. But she was moving forward. She had long ago decided that she needed to try to live a happy life. For herself and for all of the babies she was supposed to be bringing into this world. It was complicated with so many people involved in their relationships, and so many different ideas involved with parenting, but they were making their way through it, slow but sure.

Relationships were full of challenges. And this was going to be no exception. She giggled into Tae's chest before looking back up into his eyes and said,

"Why not one of both?"

The End. 

~ Don't miss out on the Prequel, "The Eight: The Beginnings"

Also here on Wattpad!

Author's note:

You have all been so amazing as I've written The Eight! Thank you so much for the love and support. Yes, this particular book is coming to a close. But don't worry! I do have some ideas to keep this world alive. In the meantime, just know that I Thank You, and Love You!


Kim  Owens

(aka NoonaKO on here and NoonasTO on twt)

The Eight | A BTS Soulmate Fic |Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα