Chapter 51

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Once they were back in Yoongi's room, they ordered some authentic Brazilian food for dinner one last time and got cleaned up. Yoongi, of course, showered first. Leaving The Muse with entirely too much thinking time on her hands. He was being so quiet. More so than usual.

Dinner arrived in the hands of a manager while Yoongi was still in the bathroom. She thanked the manager and watched some odd drama on local cable while she waited. Her boredom had gotten to the point that even the cheesiest dramas were somewhat interesting. In fact, she noticed that she can suddenly pick up a couple of words here and there. She supposed she had Namjoon to thank for that.

   Yoongi came out of the bathroom and they settled in to eat. The Muse tried starting up small conversation, but all she was getting in return were grunts and non-committal noises.

"Yoongi. Please talk to me. That's why I'm here, right? So we can talk, face to face?" She all but pleaded.

    Again, all he gave her was a grunt. She knew he was thinking hard. And she knew he was feeling anxious about having to talk about what was bothering him. Hell, she even knew what was bothering him, but they needed to actually talk about it. And if he wasn't ready, she couldn't force him.

"Fine." she said as she finished her meal, "I'm taking a bath." She got up and grabbed her backpack before heading into the bathroom. The bath was just what she needed. She had been showering in the mornings lately. It had been necessary with all of the activities she and her husbands had been up to. But bath time at night was a beautiful luxury. She loved to relax and be alone for just a little bit. Let her mind wander while soaking in the warm water. It was blissful. You would think with all of the sitting around, being quiet and out of the way she did, she would be tired of having time to think. But this wasn't thinking time. No. This was relaxing time.

   She felt Tae run his hand down her back, announcing his presence in her mind. "Hello my love," he crooned in his low timber, "I miss you. I wish you were here with me. I want to wrap my arms around you and hold you tight." She felt his arms wrap around her, and she smiled. Her eyes also got a little watery with all of the emotions she was feeling. There was a lot.

At that moment she did wish she was with Tae, wrapped in each others arms, probably enjoying the after effects of mind blowing sex.

"What's wrong, Yeppeun?" Tae could feel her mood, "Do you need me to come and rescue you from Suga-hyung? I will." she could feel him getting ready to come rescue her, and she had to smile.

"No, Tae, I'm ok. I promise," she imagined wrapping herself around him, giving him comfort. "You are my Prince Charming, aren't you? Ready to jump to the rescue."

"If my faire maiden needs rescuing, I will be there. Every time."

"I love you Prince Kim Taehyung,"

"I love you, too My Faire Maiden, Yeppeun." she could feel his humor rise as he added, "Jiminnie is going to be so mad. He thinks he's the Prince around here."

"Kim Taehyung, Don't you dare start a fight with him!" She was trying to be stern, but really he just made her laugh.

Feeling her amusement, Tae tightened his hold on her and said "There it is. I wish I was there to see that beautiful smile. Get some sleep my love. We have an airplane to defile tomorrow."

And he was gone.

The Muses' mood was much lighter as she got out of the bathtub. She got all dried off, brushed her teeth and looked into her backpack for her usual tank top and boy shorts, only to find a slinky white satin and lace nighty. "What the fuck is this noise?" she said to herself as she held it up. "There's nothing to it. And where are the panties? Damnit." She sighed deep and sent an annoyed thought to Min-Ho.

His only response was, "You are with your husband. You shouldn't even need night clothes."

Resigned to her fate, she put on the tiny piece of clothing, glad it at least covered her bottom, and went out into the other room.

Yoongi was staring at his computer screen when she came in, glancing her way when she moved to put her backpack by the other bags. He froze, eyes wide. He couldn't look away.

From where he was sitting, and where the light was hitting that thing she was wearing, he could see right through it. He even knew she wasn't wearing panties. His mouth went dry.

He watched as she walked over to the bed, of all places, and sat down in the most gentle way possible, as if she thought sitting like that would cover anything from his view. Did she not know she was basically naked right now?

"Yoongi?" she said quietly, looking nervous, sweet and shy, "Are you ready to talk to me yet?"

Yoongi grabbed his water bottle and took a large drink before turning back to her. He shook his head as he stood, "No. I don't want to talk right now." He stood in a hurried motion, and it took him two steps to be in front of her. He moved to grab her arm and pull her to stand, intent on kissing her, but the flash of fear on her face as she jerked back from him brought him to a screeching halt.

"What? Why are you afraid?" he was completely confused.

She looked at him, tremors starting to shake her body, "You're angry at me. Are you going to throw me out of your room? Will you let me get someone else to come get me first? Please? I don't want to make Sejong angry again. Please?" She was near tears now.

"What? No! I am not throwing you out of my room. I was going to kiss you, silly girl." He was alarmed and annoyed that she would react to him with such fear.

"Oh," she looked so surprised at his words, "Really? But you're angry with me, and you don't want to talk to me about it. How are we going to fix it if you won't talk to me about it?" she was rambling now. Yoongi noticed she did that a lot when she was flustered. It was kind of cute.

He sighed deeply, "Yeppeun, I will never hurt you. I do not ever want to cause you harm. You are my wife. Yes, I am angry you didn't trust me enough to tell me what you needed from me." He sat next to her on the bed and took her hand, lacing his fingers with hers, "But that doesn't stop me from being in love with you. I needed time to think, and I thank you for giving it to me. But I am still unhappy you couldn't trust me."

The Muse was relaxing and the fear was leaving now that she was touching Yoongi, and feeling past his anger to everything else underneath. She supposed she would have found all of this if she dug deeper into his mind when she checked in with him, but she thought that would have been rude.

Yoongi brought her out of her own head when he ran a finger tip down her cheek. She jerked, surprised at the touch, and looked into his eyes. He had the most beautiful eyes.

"Yeppeun?" he said, a silent question asked as he ran his thumb over her bottom lip.

Her eyes flicked down to his lips. He smiled, taking that as a yes to his question. He leaned in and softly kissed her. Realizing now just how much he had missed her and these lips over that last few days.

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