Chapter 115

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  They stayed like that until the water started to cool. Tae felt complete again as he held his wife, and had a lot of fun rubbing the baby belly. It was so cute!

"How do you know it's a girl?" he asked as he rubbed his hands all around, a huge smile on his face "I could barely tell it was more than a blip in that picture."

She giggled at that, "I can connect with her. That's how I know." And she told him about how she walked the flower path and saw her on her little bed of petals, and explained that that was how Jinnie, Hobi and Joonie started calling her Petal.

Tae nuzzled his face into his wife's neck before asking, "Can you share with me what you see?"

The Muse nodded, "Probably. If I could share that vision with you guys, I don't see why I couldn't share what I see when I connect with Petal."

She connected with Tae, and noticed that feeling of being home. His arms wrapped a little tighter around her and he kissed the side of her neck, "I feel it, too, Yeppeun."

She reached her hand up and caressed his cheek as she closed her eyes and walked the flower path to her little one. She heard Tae's gasp when they came to the spot where they couldn't go any further and saw the tiny baby on her little bed of pink petals. She was awake now, but feeling content, and trying to suck on her fist.

Tae was in awe. All it took was this one look and he was instantly in love. It didn't matter if this child had his DNA or not. This was his daughter, and he was going to give her the world, the moon, the stars... Everything.

Yoongi stood in the living room. He'd been pacing and muttering to himself in between encouraging words from Seokjin and Namjoon. They both seemed pretty positive about the idea of a baby. But they would be, wouldn't they? It wasn't theirs. He caught his reflection in the glass of the window and noticed that his hair was sticking out at all ends from running his hands through it so many times.

"Yoongi?" Seokjin asked in a low voice, trying to get his attention.

'Yeah." it sounded more like a non-commital noise, but Seokjin had been around him long enough, he knew what it meant.

"Do you love her?" he asked.

Yoongi stopped his pacing and turned to face the man, a vehement "Of course I do!" coming from him without thought. He didn't have to think about it, he knew he loved her down to his bones.

Seokjin's head tilted to the side and he said, "Then nothing else matters. You love her. And you're going to be a father." like it was obvious, "Don't overthink it."

The man knew Yoongi too well.

With a deep, fortifying breath, Yoongi turned and followed the same path as Taehyung. To his wife.

Yoongi slid quietly into the bathroom and took in the sight of Tae and their wife in the bathtub. He felt a little bit like an imposter as he watched Tae speak quietly in her ear. Taehyung noticed the movement out of the corner of his eye, and picked his head up to greet the man,

"Hyung! Come in! Do you want to sit in the tub with us? We can make room on the other end."

Yoongi turned a delicate shade of pink and declined the offer, absolutely not ready to think about the idea of being naked and in a bathtub with another man. Even if his wife was in between them. That thought brought him up short. He would have to revisit that idea at another time.

Taehyung was excitedly telling him about how cute the bump was and how Yeppeun was able to show him the baby and that he needed to walk some flower path with her. He was talking so fast that Yoongi had to hold up his hand and ask him to slow down a bit.

Yoongi was feeling apprehensive about the idea of seeing the baby. He also noticed that Yeppeun hadn't said anything. She was sitting quietly in the bathtub, watching him and his reactions. She didn't look angry, and he thought that was an improvement. Even if he felt like he deserved her anger.

"Hyung Hyung! Come here!" Taehyung beckoned him to come closer. Yoongi was uncomfortable, but moved toward the couple, curious as to what the younger man could want.

When he was close enough Taehyung grabbed his hand and pulled it down into the water and placed it directly on their wife's rounded belly. It felt firm. Much harder than he remembered her stomach being.

Tae hadn't given Yoongi a chance to pull up his sleeve before pulling his arm into the water, but he barely noticed. His whole being was focused on the feeling of that belly, and what it represented.

"Do you want to see her?" his wife asked quietly as she watched him.

Yoongi couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes when he nodded his head, not trusting his voice to say the word.

He felt Yeppeun connect with him, and then saw a garden path filled with flowers. His eyes fell on the tiny baby laying on flower petals and saw how happy and sweet she was, and he broke. He felt like his whole existence had shattered and was being reformed, stronger and more resolute, surrounding this little human being.

And, like Tae, Yoongi cried. He kept his hand firmly on the belly, laid his head on the side of the bathtub, and cried. He felt Yeppeun's hand caress his as she tried to comfort him, even if he didn't feel like he deserved comforting.

Once he had cried it out, he looked up with his watery eyes and slid his wet hand up to her face, cupping his wife's cheek to tell her how much he did love her and just how precious she was to him. How he was going to take such good care of her and learn how to be the best husband and father he could possibly be.

Tae nuzzled his face back down into her neck and nodded along with everything Yoongi said. Once the elder was finished talking, Tae repeated the words and held her even tighter.

"We have not been good husbands, Yeppeun." Yoongi said as he slid his hand back down to the belly, "But we are going to be."

The Muse was scared, if she was being honest. They had hurt her so badly, and they could so easily do it again. But they needed to move forward, together, as a family. And Petal needed to get to know her daddies as well as she was getting to know her uncles. She thought about the vision Sejong gave her, and knew that in order to feel that level of serenity and peace, she needed to forgive her husbands and let them back into her life, and heart. 

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