Chapter 84

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Jungkook's birthday was a hard day for her. It would have been the first birthday she could have spent with any of her Warriors. She should have been celebrating with him. Showering him with extra love. Instead she had no idea where he was or what he was doing. She chose to wallow and stay in bed. Jinnie made sure she ate and drank, but left her alone for the most part.

      She even dreamt of Jungkook as she napped. It was a sweet dream. He held her tight and told her how much he loved her. He kissed her and cared for her body, mind and soul.  She sobbed when she woke up, heartbroken that he wasn't there to hold her and say those things.

     She spent a lot of time with Petal that day. Marveling at how she was growing. Wishing she could share this feeling with her husbands. From what she'd been told, the envelope she gave them with the information that they are going to be fathers remained unopened on the table at the dorm.

Hoseok was especially insistent about asking all of them if they had opened it yet. He was frustrated with their insistence on remaining ignorant of its contents. The Muse would be heading to stay with Hobi the next day, finally giving Jinnie a break. He swore he didn't need one, but she felt like she was imposing on his vacation. He needed to have time when he didn't have to worry about making sure she ate, or if she had enough touch.

    She was sure the sex was no imposition, though. She had to smile at that. He was definitely going to make his wife very, very happy when he found her. She did worry about what those wives would say about them having such a relationship with her, but she hoped they would understand and know that, once they met their wives, she would not have those types of relations with her Warriors.

    Hopefully by then her husbands will have pulled their heads out of their collective asses and be the husbands they were meant to be.

    Hobi was at the door mid morning the next day, all smiles and sunshine.

"Yeppeun! Look at you! And your belly is so much bigger since I saw you! How can that be? It hasn't been that long."

"Hobi," she glared at him, "Are you calling me fat?"

He laughed out loud in the most joyful Hobi way, "No no." He reached his hands out and caressed her belly, "I love seeing Petal grow. I found the cutest matching bucket hats in America for us when she's here." His big, heart shaped smile was almost blinding when he said it, "For when it's Petal and Uncle Hobi time."

The Muse felt warmth and love as she hugged him, so thankful that he was one of her Warriors. One of her soul mates.

His trip to the US was a success, and he felt optimistic about the results. He rattled on about how he was going to take her to an actual shop to get some clothes, since she couldn't fit into most of what they had bought her a month ago. And how they were going to his parents house for a visit and dinner. And how he'd been telling Mickey all about how she was coming to visit.

    Her heart felt a pang when he mentioned spending some time with Jungkook and Jimin the day before, and how irritated he was that 'those boys' refused to open the damn envelope.

"Do you know how difficult it was not to talk about you and Petal?" he ranted, "Those boys need to get their act together. They don't know what they are missing."

The Muse had nothing she could say to that, so she just nodded her head and watched the buildings go by.

It was a strange feeling to be living in a city, but still be so cut off from everything about it.

Hoseok's apartment was bright and cheerful, just like him. Also, it was ridiculously neat. That man took the term "neat freak" to a whole new level.

Mickey was waiting anxiously for Hobi to come back home, and came running when he opened the door.

The way he talked to his dog was adorable, and The Muse couldn't help but giggle at him. Mickey was very curious about her, too, and wasted no time sniffing her out and, ultimately, begging for belly rubs which she happily provided.

They didn't stay long, though. For the first time ever, Hobi took The Muse out. No security, No bullshit about her being a risk. Just a trip to a couple of high end boutiques and lunch in an actual restaurant. It was a place he knew well, and it had a back room where they could eat in peace. It was so refreshing! They even stopped to get coffee's, just the two of them.

     She knew he had no idea what that trip meant to her, but it was so incredible being able to do such things, even if they were covered from head to toe and had to wear masks.

He had given her one of his bucket hats to wear out, as well as a large pair of sunglasses. The dress she wore was loose, and didn't show much of her belly unless you were really paying attention. If ARMY caught them and they were recognized, they would definitely figure it out. They were better than police investigators at figuring stuff like that out.

     Luckily, the two of them were able to enjoy their outing and get back home with no drama. It was wonderful.

     The Muse was talking to Hobi about taking a nap and getting some touch as she sat on the floor playing with Mickey. It was like he understood what she was talking about and crawled into her lap, making himself comfortable with his head on her thigh. She couldn't contain a giggle as she thought about how she was going to have to interrupt his cozyness so she could go lay down.

    Suddenly, Mickey jumped up and growled at her. It was completely unprovoked, and it confused both her and Hobi. He settled back down with a huff, looking annoyed.

It wasn't long before he jerked and barked, this time directly at her belly before trying to settle back into his cozy spot. He repeated this action a few times before The Muse thought to check on Petal and make sure the barking wasn't scaring her.

    What she found when she walked the flower path was a lot of amusement mixed in with the happiness she usually felt. Petal knew Mickey was snuggled against her tummy and was playing with him. The Muse couldn't feel the kicks, but somehow Mickey could.

    Laughing out loud, she explained to Hobi that apparently Petal was going to be a dog person. He got his phone out to catch it on video, no longer concerned with Mickey's little outbursts as they watched the pup play with his new little friend.

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