Chapter 10

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    Morning came too early. Jin woke to his alarm, snuggled up close behind his Queen. He took a moment to truly appreciate what he was feeling about it. It felt right. He felt like he knew her, and that she belonged there. Part of him. He knew he wasn't a husband, but he felt whole having her with him. Seokjin got up and got dressed for the meeting they had in the suite that morning. Coming back to wake her up shortly before they had to be there.

"Yeppeun, Wake up." he said, shaking her shoulder lightly. Her only answer was a quiet grumble. Smiling, he tried shaking her again, "Yeppeun? We have to go to a meeting. Wake up, please." She at least rolled over onto her back that time, pulling the blanket over her head. Outright laughing now, Seokjin poked her in the sides, somehow knowing she was ticklish, "Come on, Yeppeun. We have to go. You can lay down in there".

   She gave a great sigh and, with what looked like a huge effort, climbed out of the bed with the white comforter still wrapped around her. Seokjin was outright laughing at her as she fought to dislodge the comforter from the bed and stumble toward the door. He caught up, making sure she didn't run into anything, and steered her through the hallway toward the suite room.

   They were the last to get there. With the other Warriors already seated around the room, The Muse stumbled through with one eye half open, looking for the perfect spot to lay down. She found it on the floor under the window by the dining table. Chuckles were heard around the room with a fair amount of "Kyoot" to follow. She rolled into a burrito and went back to sleep.

"I don't think she's a morning person" laughed Seokjin, looking at the white burrito fondly.

"How did last night go?" asked the leader.

"Fine. It was no hardship to cuddle with a beautiful woman all night. But," he sighed, taking a moment to assemble his thoughts.

"What?" Asked Jimin, almost as if he expected something crazy.

"After she thought I was asleep, she went into the bathroom and cried. A lot. It broke my heart." Jin said, as they looked at the lightly snoring burrito sadly.

"Was she comfortable with you?" Hoseok asked.

"Yes, I believe so." Seokjin answered, "We had a quiet night. She needed the rest."

"She looks a lot better than yesterday. Even now her coloring looks more healthy. Do you think she should stay with you again tonight? Since it went so well?" asked Namjoon.

   Jin nodded "I don't mind. I like having her there. It feels so.... Right. Like she's supposed to be there. Like I'm supposed to be touching her. Like I've always known her."

   Namjoon nodded at that. "I felt that, too. She only just got here, but I feel like she's always been here. Like she's precious to me. To us." The others remained thoughtfully quiet.

   The door opened and the managers came in loaded up with tray's of coffee and some breakfast pastries from the local coffee shop.

"Where is The Queen?" Sejin asked as he passed out the coffees, gesturing to the cup of something blended that looked more like a chocolate dessert than coffee. "I got her one, too."

   They all pointed to the sleeping burrito on the floor. Sejin smiled and went to the lump, poking at it. He heard a grumbled "mmmmmmm" before saying "I have coffee." A hand came out of the top, grabbing at air. Chuckling, Sejin said "I am going to need you to sit up to drink your coffee, your Highness." Finally her face popped out of the opening, glaring at him. "Don't call me that." she grumbled. 

    Sitting up against the wall with the blanket still wrapped around her, she rubbed her face with one hand and grabbed at her coffee with the other. As she stuck the straw in her mouth, she opened both of her eyes to see Sejin waving a pastry bag in front of her face. "Oooooohhh" she said as he handed her the bag. She thanked him with a small grateful smile on her face. Eyes really lit up when she opened the bag and saw the chocolate filled croissant inside. "Chocolate!" she exclaimed, startling most of the others in the room. Looking up sheepishly, she said "Sorry. I just really love chocolate."

The meeting about the day's schedule went on without a hitch. The Muse happily munched on her treat and sipped the best coffee she'd ever had on the floor while Namjoon provided some translation.

They touched on the questions of what to do with her while they worked, but the only thing they could come up with for now was to just have her watch the practices.

The online furer hadn't died down. In fact, scholars were now making their voices known about the story of The Eight. Luckily most of the effect seemed to be in Korea, and some of the Sasaengs were losing their ever loving minds. They were going to assign a security guard specifically to The Queen, just in case. But, the plan was to continue on as if nothing had happened. They had decided to not answer interview questions regarding her. And if they were cornered with questions about her, they'd keep it vague.

"Now" said Sejin, "Do you all know if you are a Husband or not?"

All seven heads nodded. Sejin nodded back. "Ok. We think it would be best if we keep the identities secret for now. Perhaps in time we will be able to announce it, but it would be best for the initial shock to die down before we hit them with that. In fact, the conspiracy theorists will probably have a lot of fun trying to figure it all out. Also, It would be moot to try to hide her features now, with the video out there."

The door to the suite unexpectedly flew open despite it being locked, and Min-Ho sauntered in like he owned the hotel.

Everyone looked his way in shock and fear, except for The Muse. She was instantly annoyed. She was enjoying her treat and he had to show up and ruin it. 


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