Chapter 3

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"There are a few things we need to go over before I leave." Sejong's booming voice made her jump and break eye contact with Passion to look at the God. Anger and annoyance at everything he'd done to her flaring back to life.

"Your Queen has always had a fiery independence about her. And now I'm afraid she has added the attitude of a modern American woman to it."

She rolled her eyes and glared even harder at him. Noticing the bystanders a bit more now. Men she didn't know all around, looking at her nearly naked body. She'd never been much of an exhibitionist, and it was making her terribly uncomfortable. She tried to manipulate her waist length hair around to cover as much of her body as possible.

"She needs to be humbled." These words from the God snapped her back to attention.


He continued speaking to the Warriors as if she hadn't spoken "Your Muse and Queen needs to learn to lean on and rely on her Warriors again. She will need to be in the presence of at least one of you at all times. She is not allowed her own sleeping quarters or personal space. She is to share your beds. And no cell phones, social media or any of that. You Warriors are her world now."

She stared, dumbstruck at this.

"She is not to get food for herself. She is to be served and treated like the Queen she is. One of you will have to give her what she can eat and drink."

"That's Fucking ridiculous" she stated. Still shocked at this turn of events.

"The Muse needs touch to thrive. Your touch revives her, and heals her wounds. You will learn more about that later. She is not allowed to work or earn money. You will care for her needs"

She lost it completely at that. She had always worked. Always provided for herself. She would not be dependent on anyone!

"FUCKING WHAT?!?" She was yelling now. "You can't do this! I will NOT just sit and mooch off of anyone! That's not fair to Them, or to me!"

Sejong looked at her sternly. "Watch your tone, Muse"

"How can I watch my tone when you are trying to strip me of all of my independence and autonomy! You are unfairly pushing me on these men and forcing them to..."


She stumbled and fell to her hands and knees, breathing deeply at the now familiar sting of a whip across her back. Hair falling to the front, the angry red line clearly visible across her back. Everyone stilled. Shocked at what had just happened. She took a few deep breaths and forced herself to stand, looking defiantly into the God's eyes. No man would ever force her to bow or kneel. As she stood, Sejong looked almost amused.

"There's that Fire I've missed".

"What was that for?" One of the Warriors worried voices rang out.

Sejong looked toward the Warriors. "I believe it's common to call this a Teach-able moment. You. Poet, come here."

The dimpled Warrior went quickly to her side.

"Touch the wound, Poet" said Sejong.

"What?" Startled the man. "Won't that hurt her more?"

"No. As I said, your touch heals her. Touch the wound".

Poet hesitantly reached out and ran a finger lightly over the wound, watching the side of her face for a reaction. He saw her eyes close for a moment, her shoulders relaxing a little. Poet looked curiously at her back then, and saw, to his amazement, that everywhere he had touched was healing. Getting lighter and lighter with every pass of his fingers.

"Is that ok?" He said in English. She nodded, still glaring at Sejong. The wound was gone without a trace within a minute. Poet stayed by her side, almost as if he would be able to protect her from another attack.

Sejong nodded at Poet, and continued his speech.

"Your Queen comes to you with no name. You will give her one of your choosing. As she does not speak the Mother Tongue yet, you will have a difficult time at first, I'm sure. But as each of your souls reconnect she will gain the ability to communicate with you." He looked at each Warrior in turn "Most importantly, of the seven of you four of are now husbands. Congratulations." Her whole body jerked and her mouth dropped open, "FOUR HUSBANDS??" She shrieked, ready to go head to head with the God again. Poet touched her arm, shaking his head, silently pleading with her to remain calm.

"Yes." Sejong continued. "You will bless your four husbands with many children." She took a deep breath to have her say, with Poet once again touching her arm to calm her.

"She will also have an intimate relationship with the rest, until they find wives of their own."

She was in shock. "I. Am. No one's. Whore."

"Of course not." Sejong said regally. "You are a Muse. A Queen. These are your Warriors. They will care for you, because it is their purpose in every lifetime. All others are beneath you."

Pursing her lips, she continued to glare at him.

Sejong moved to the front of her, gently grabbed her chin and tilted her head up so she had to look in his eyes. They stared into each other's eyes silently for a couple of minutes, tears falling liberally from her eyes before he let her go, patting her on the shoulder. Looking at Poet, he handed a packet of paperwork to him that turned out to be a passport and other legal paperwork with the name "Bangtan Muse" on them. Winking, Sejong said "You'll need these. The name will change when you give her one." Looking back at her he said "I'm sending someone that will help you find your way in your new life. Welcome back." He touched her cheek, and then, he was gone.

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