Chapter 120

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 She found all four of her husbands bustling around inside the baby room. Or, she supposed they could call it the birthing room for the time being. They were all a little bit panicked at the idea that their daughter would be there soon.

Yoongi, in particular, was stressed about the idea of a home birth, and had spent the last few months trying to talk The Muse into a hospital for the big day. Since that had failed, he spent a lot of time trying to make sure that the birthing room had every little thing they could ever possibly need would be in stock and within reach when the time came.

The Muse stood in the doorway watching them, remembering when she woke up in the middle of the night to Yoongi taking apart the crib so he could make sure it was put together the right way. Followed by the dresser, the changing table and the rocking chair. They didn't sleep much that night.

"Yoongi? Love?" She had asked as she watched him unscrew a leg of the crib, "You put this together the first time. It felt pretty stable when you made Jimin sit in it to see if anything was loose."

"I know." He grunted, "I just want to double check. What if I forgot something? I'd never forgive myself." He muttered the last part as the leg was freed and he added the screw to the bowl of screws and washers he had next to him.

Yoongi's anxiety was getting to him, and she knew she needed to just be there to support him while he worked through it. So, she laid on the crib mattress that was on the floor by him and made sure he had water when he wanted it. She even took his phone and played DJ for him, trying to get him to smile and sing along with her selections.

They kept at it until the early hours of the morning. Well. He kept at it. She passed out on the crib mattress after exhausting herself with Eminem Karaoke.

Once he was finished putting the last of the furniture back together, Yoongi looked at his wife and couldn't help but grin. She was curled in a ball as she tried to completely fit into the crib mattress. She had apparently started snoring as she got further into her pregnancy, because he could hear the faintest rumble coming from her mouth that hasn't been there before. She was also drooling on her arm.

He chuckled to himself and took a couple of extremely flattering pictures before he woke her up.

"Yeppeun?" He said in his low growl of a voice as she gently shook her shoulder. She grumbled and rolled onto her back, one arm over her head and the other laying so her hand was resting on the upper part of the belly.

Her night shirt (his grey FG t-shirt), rode up to expose her upper thigh, and he had to stop and remind himself that they were in the baby room. There would be No sexy times in the baby room on his watch. And she was mostly laying on the crib mattress. No sexy times on the crib mattress, either.

It took all of his mental strength to reach up and shake her shoulder again instead of following his instinct up the inside of her thighs. It took a little bit, but he did finally get her awake enough to move to his bedroom without touching her inappropriately.

His resolve crumbled when she got to his room, though. The shirt flew off as she stumbled toward the bed and he watched her naked bottom as she crawled to the middle to snuggle in. When he stood at the side of the bed admiring the view instead of climbing in with her she turned her head, sleepy eyes barely open as she asked him if he was getting in with her.

"Yeppeun?" his low grumble held a question she would have recognized immediately had she been a little more awake. As it was, though, she just answered him with a "Hmm?"

She didn't see him take off his shirt. She didn't see him toying with the drawstring on his pajama pants. She didn't see him bite his lower lip as he thought about the last time he got to taste her, more than two months ago. Far too long.

"Can I touch you, Yeppeun?" one of his hands rubbed up his chest and came to rest on his neck, suddenly parched for his wife. In the past he would have touched her, no questions asked. But after what Hobi had told them in New Zealand about her inability to say no, he wanted to make absolutely sure she wanted him as badly as he wanted her.

"You've been touching me, Yoongi." she grumbled, half asleep and not understanding his meaning.

"Yeppeun?" he asked again. This time she turned and looked at him, rolling his direction. As soon as she made it to her back, Yoongi held up his hand, "Stop right there, Yeppeun."

His eyes drank in every inch of her exposed skin, "I want to touch you, Yeppeun. I want to love you. Will you let me?" he had crawled up just far enough to be at her feet, eyes glued to the apex of her thighs as he fought to keep his hands to himself until she gave the ok.

Her lips tilted up into a small smile and she nodded her head as she whispered the word "Ok" to her husband, who gifted her with the biggest gummy smile she'd seen from him in a long time as he pushed her legs apart wide enough for him to fit in between them. Making sure to keep his full weight off of her as he crawled up to kiss her lips like he'd been dreaming about since the day they separated. Her hands came up to caress his face, run her hands through his hair and glory in the feeling of being intimate with this husband for the first time in months.

The Muse moved, bringing her legs up to hook around his back, anxious to reconnect with him fully. Yoongi chuckled and pulled back from the kiss, "No no, Yeppeun." His lips couldn't stay away from hers for more than a couple of words at a time, "I need to taste you first. I need to worship my Queen. I need you to know, inside and out, that Ferocious belongs to you and that I will be here to love and care for you. Mind, body and soul."

As he finished the sentence, he connected to his wife. Yoongi wanted Yeppeun to feel him. He wanted her to know what she meant to him. His lips trailed down her neck and chest, stopping to sip on her nipples before moving down to her belly. He stopped, sitting up on his knees with a sweet, soft smile on his face as he caressed the belly. Leaning down, Yoongi kissed the very center of that bump, letting the myriad of emotions he felt flow through their connection. The strongest emotions were pure, overwhelming love and devotion.

The Muse felt a couple of tears leak from her eyes as she took in everything he was showing her. She reached her hand up to cup his cheek, and said "Yoongi. I love you."

His eyes shone as he kissed her wrist, and then her palm before taking her hand and placing it over his heart and staring deep into her eyes. Even if they didn't have their soul connection, there would have been no mistaking what he was saying with those eyes.

Yoongi loved every inch of his wife that night. No part of her was left untouched as he made love to her. His fierce soul taking over as he conveyed his emotions through his body. When they were spent and exhausted, they fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms and minds. Their dreams took over where their bodies left off, leaving the couple feeling more connected than they had been in the first place. 

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