Chapter 27

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The schedule they made had The Muse staying with Namjoon the first night in Chicago. After her shower, she found him in very Joon fashion, sitting cross legged on the bed hunched over the little notepad he likes to write lyrics in. His forehead was creased with concentration, and he was oblivious to the world around him. She felt that same buzzy sensation that told her he needed his Muse. It was a lot stronger than the first time she felt it. In fact, she felt it while she was in the shower. She guessed her Muse was well fed and feeling powerful.

    She went over to him, sat on the bed in front of him and said "Joon?"

"Hmmm" was the reply.

"Joon?" she said again, touching his hand. He finally looked up at her. Smiling at him, she took his face in her hands and looked deep into his eyes. Again, she found stress and anxiety blocking the path of his creativity. She nudged them to the side and cleared the way. Namjoon laughed and planted a quick, hard kiss on her lips, and went to work. Feverishly writing what was now pouring into his head.

    The Muse wasn't bored watching him work. It was fascinating. He even turned the beats on in the room instead of his earpods so she could hear what he was writing to.

She was laying back on the pillows, feeling comfortable when she felt Jungkook nudge at her mind. "Hello my love. I miss you. I'm lonely"

She gave a secret smile at that. "Hello my Husband. I miss you, too. Did you get your workout in?"

"Yes. But it wasn't the work out I wanted. Do you think Joon would be upset if you stayed with me again tonight? Maybe I'll ask him..."

"I'm supposed to be spending time with all of my Warriors, Jungkook. As much as I want to be with you, I do need to bond with the others as well."

"Don't be surprised if I find a way to sneak you away to have my way with you tomorrow."

"Please do!" she was excited at the thought, "I miss your arms around me. And your kisses. And...." she sent him an explicit memory of something they had done the night before.

"Aaahhh Yeppeun! That wasn't nice."
"Hehehehe. Sorry. But I look forward to doing that again." she said, completely unrepentantly.

"I need to shower. And deal with this issue you have brought up. I love you."

"I love you Jungkook. Let me know when you lay down to sleep."

She let him shower on his own, but a naughty part of her wanted to help him with his task.

Namjoon was very happy with his progress that night. He felt very accomplished.

They had to get up early for their first round of interviews in this city, and were just exhausted from the day's travels, so Joon and The Muse snuggled into bed fairly early. Joon fell asleep quickly. The Muse wanted to check in with Jungkook one more time before falling asleep.

She nudged his mind, and found he was still awake, "Hey you." she said into his mind,  concentrating on sending him the feeling of being held by her.

"I can feel you," He said with wonder. "This is so cool. I am sad you aren't here, but I do love that we can still touch each other like this," she felt the ghost of a finger run down her cheek.

"Maybe it won't be too bad when we are apart," he continued. "With our being able to touch like this, and the pictures I took, I'm well taken care of."

Smiling to herself, she said "Goodnight, Love. Sleep well."

"Dream of me. In fact, you go to sleep first and I'll see if I can't make you dream about me."

With that she felt the ghost of a kiss on her lips. Smiling, she snuggled back into Namjoon's chest, warm and happy.

     They all met in the suite the next morning to go over the day's schedule. Since everyone knew now anyway, Jungkook had no problem walking right up to the Muse and giving her a sweet kiss in front of them all, "Good morning," he said in a low and sexy voice.

"Good morning," she said, smiling up at him. Again, She felt the distinct feeling of jealousy coming from around the room. Feeling bad for that, she turned to step away from Jungkook. He was having none of that, and simply wrapped his arms around her waist.

     Sejin and a few other managers came in carrying the morning coffee and a few other things. Sejin smiled at the Muse and handed her a paper bag. She opened it to find an adult coloring book and a large box of color pencils. Her eyes got wide and a huge smile formed on her face. "Sejin! Really? For me?" he nodded, laughing at her reaction to the gift. She was so excited to have something to entertain herself with while they rehearsed!

     Hyun Soo mentioned the idea of "Posting the Queen's art for the fans. We could even put it on merchandise." Her smile disappeared and she looked at the man she had come to call "weasel" in her mind. "I will not be doing this for anyone but me." she said with an air of finality. He kept trying to convince her, but she just drank her coffee and shook her head at him as she tried to keep her temper.

    The interviews went well, as they always do. Plus, Jungkook was able to understand everything with the Muse relaying it to him in his head. He liked that a lot. He wasn't sure if he should share that information with his hyungs or not. He didn't know if that would help them or not.

    Rehearsal was, in one word, wet. It was spring in Chicago, and with that came a lot of rain and wind. They had performed in worse, but it still didn't make it fun. The Muse happily found a dry spot that was out of the way and got out her coloring book for the first time. This was what she needed. Not only was it entertaining, but it seemed to feed something inside her. Maybe her Muse needed a creative outlet? It would make sense. Jungkook never did find the time to be able to drag her to the bathroom for a moment together. But, he promised himself that he would stay on guard and find that perfect moment soon.

     That night she was to stay with Yoongi. That meant a lot of good food. Yoongi loves food almost as much as Jinnie does, and he likes to try different things, so she was excited to see what dinner time would bring. Yoongi did not disappoint. That night they had Chicago style pizza. It was incredible! Somehow she was able to eat three whole pieces by herself. Even she was impressed with that. After their showers, she had expected him to sit down and work at his computer, and was wholly surprised when he plopped down on the bed to watch a movie with her. He sat up with his back against the pillows, and she was laying on her stomach with a pillow under her chest. It was some Avengers movie. Even though Yoongi had seen all of them, he still enjoyed them enough to want to watch them again. She hadn't seen any of them, and he kept up a running commentary about what was going on and his thoughts on it all.

    What she didn't know was that, while she was watching the movie, he was watching her ass. Those boy shorts were driving him crazy. Her butt wiggled with every little move she made. And she rarely stayed still. Rubbing his hand over his face, he was fighting an internal battle. He could just lay his hand on her leg. That would be a caring, yet respectful gesture, right? What was protocol for something like this? How was he supposed to handle it? He'd never had a wife before. This was uncharted territory, and he wasn't sure how to navigate it.

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