Chapter 7

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The Men all looked at Jungkook, who shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

The man with glasses stood and spoke. Unable to understand him, The Muse didn't look at him. Eyes on the floor, lost inside her own head. Trying to keep it together. Someone touched her arm, her head snapped up to see Namjoon.‪ "Manager Sejin thinks we should head back to the hotel. We have a lot of things to talk about." She nodded and looked around at the men in the room, finally taking a moment to actually see her Warriors for the first time

She knew now that Namjoon was Poet, Yoongi was Ferocious, Taehyung was Adventure and Jungkook was Passion.

Looking at the rest, she found Hoseok, doing what he does best. She almost smiled as Watcher was living up to his name.

Jimin, Mischief, seemed to be doing his best not to look at her. And Jin, Misdirection, was trying to give her a wary, comforting smile. "Are you hungry?" He asked in a heavy accent. She almost smiled at that. "I have no idea".

"Yah," he said as he stood "Let's get food and find out, you know?"

They all filed back out into the big practice space, a few people were still milling about.

They all grabbed their bags and headed for the door. Arms crossed over her chest protectively with her backpack in hand, The Muse followed. Just as they were about to step into the parking lot Hoseok stopped her. "No Shoes!" he said, pointing to her feet. She hadn't even noticed she was barefoot.

At that, Jungkook jogged back over and, blushing profusely, and careful not to look at her, he picked her up. She yelped, "It's ok! I can walk! I don't mind!". He simply shrugged and carried her to one of the matching black SUV's that were waiting, setting her in the back seat gently. "Thank you" she murmured before he closed the door.

The ride to the hotel was mostly uneventful. She was in a car with Jungkook and Jimin, and they were both pretty quiet. Her mind was taken up with her feet. As she sat in the car all she could think was that those are not her feet. Her feet are much bigger. Toes a little shorter, pudgier. These feet are not hers. She wiggled the toes. "Coincidence" she thought. "Those aren't my feet".

She looked up from her foot study when someone opened her door. Jungkook had come to carry her inside. Shaking her head, she insisted that she could walk. He merely shook his head back and said "No." Scooping her up and heading inside.

He carried her through the lobby, the elevator and wouldn't let her down until they were inside a suite. Still thinking about her feet, she excused herself to the bathroom with the intention of looking at herself in the mirror. Who was she? What were they seeing?

She shut the bathroom door and immediately felt the THWAP across her back. She gasped as her body jerked toward the counter. There was an immediate knock at the door. She took a deep breath, willing the tears not to fall, and opened it. Namjoon, voice full of concern, said "Are you ok? We heard the whip again." She took another deep breath and turned, pulling the back of the hoodie up to expose the angry red welt across her back. Touching it, soothing the pain, Namjoon asked "Why did he hit you this time?" She wasn't sure. But the voice of Min-Ho sounded in her head, answering for her. "You shut the door all the way when you weren't using the toilet. That is the only time you are permitted to close the door on your Warriors." Annoyed, she said out loud "You are NOT fucking serious!"

Namjoon's head snapped up, and he dropped the hoodie, "What?"

"Sorry! Not you." she answered. "Min-Ho. He said that I was whipped because I closed the door without having to use the...facilities. That I'm not allowed to close the door on my Warriors".

Turning as she said that, The Muse caught sight of the mirror. She saw Namjoon, and she saw some other woman. Maybe 20? 21 years old. Long hair, beautiful skin. Large blue eyes. Very pretty. "That is not me" was her only thought. She reached her hand up to touch the face, watching every move in the mirror.

"What are you thinking?" asked Namjoon, watching her watching herself.

"That isn't me. She looks nothing like me." she said.

The Eight | A BTS Soulmate Fic |Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon