Chapter 45

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It was the best french toast ever. Or at least that's what The Muse was thinking when she finally got to eat.

Jimin had jumped to get her a robe when the knock came at the door, and Taehyung had Namjoon and Hoseok turning their heads away quickly with a loud "Yah!" as he jumped naked out of the bed to get his shorts. When everyone was decent, Jimin opened the door and welcomed the manager into the room with the food in tow. The Muse almost danced with joy as she smelled the food. Good lord she was hungry. It was all she could do to wait for one of them to actually hand the plate to her.

   She ignored everyone else in the room as she sat at the little table and scarfed down her meal. She was eyeing Tae's plate, too, once she had finished her own. But, to her great disappointment, he finished his entire breakfast. She drank her coffee and turned her attention back to the men in the room.

"Have you spoken to Yoongi or Jungkook yet?" asked Hoseok as he lounged on the bed.

She shook her head, "No. Jungkook was asleep when I checked in with him, and Yoongi wouldn't talk to me"

Hoseok nodded at that, "Yeah. He was pretty angry yesterday. Hopefully he's had some time to think and cool off a bit."

The Muse ran her hands over her face in frustration and said, "Just imagine how he would have felt if he had known before we reconnected. Yoongi is a good man. He would have rushed it and reconnected our souls before he was ready. And, now that I've experienced it four times, I can tell you it's an intense experience"

"So we've heard." Said Namjoon with a bit of annoyance in his voice. "The rest of us are anxiously awaiting our turns to experience it."

She was not surprised at that statement or the emotion behind it. She had felt it coming from the three of them for a while now.

"I know." she said, trying to give Joon a comforting smile. "And I want to reconnect with you, too."

Jimin casually looked at Taehyung and said "The more I think about it, the more I realize that I'm not actually jealous. Is it strange that I don't feel all that jealous at the thought of my wife sleeping with my hyungs?" He took a sip of his coffee while he thought about it. "In fact, I am sort of turned on by the idea. That is not how I usually think. I am usually very possessive. It's kind of confusing."

Taehyung looked thoughtful when he answered, "Me, too. I really thought I would be jealous of having to share her, but the more I think about it, the more I am ok with the idea of having you, Yoongi hyung and Jungkookie to love her with." He grabbed The Muse by the arm and pulled her into his lap as he continued, "And I don't feel angry about her having to be physically intimate with the other hyungs. I should be. I don't know why I'm not."

"It's because you know you're supposed to share her" Min-Ho spoke up. He had appeared leaning against the wall by the bathroom, making everyone jump.

"Christ!" snapped The Muse, hand over her heart,  "Can you knock, please?"

Min-Ho knocked twice on the wall and gave her a smirk.

"What do you mean?" asked Taehyung. "All of these thoughts and feelings go against everything any of us have ever thought and felt before. How can our core values suddenly change?"

"They haven't suddenly changed." Min-Ho answered with a shrug. "You just weren't with who you were fated to be with. Everything is as it should be now that you are all together."

He stood straight and came forward, "Wardrobe time, Princess." he said, swinging a garment bag in front of her. She gave him the usual annoyed look, and he smiled "You'll like it today, I think."

Unzipping the bag, he pulled out a pale blue strapless jumpsuit with a corset and a sweetheart neckline, a matching thong, and a pair of dark blue heels.

"Pants? I get pants?" she was nearly beside herself with excitement. "I need a shower first. I'll be quick!" she almost skipped to the bathroom in her excitement.

While she was in the shower, she reached out to Jungkook again. He was awake this time as she sent the sensation of fingers gliding down his cheek. She felt him stiffen in surprise, and was afraid he would reject her as Yoongi had done.

He was tentative, but he did send the sensation back to her. She smiled, filled with relief.

"Good morning, Love." she said through their connection, continuing to stroke his cheek. She wished he was here with her. Yoongi, too. "I miss you. Did you sleep well?"

"Honestly, no. No I didn't." his reply was a little clipped. She knew he was angry with her, but at least he was communicating.

"Will you talk about it with me?" she asked.

"Why?" he said. "You don't talk about what you need with me. With any of your husbands, it seems. Why do you want to talk now?"

She stopped massaging the conditioner into her hair,  "Jungkook," she said sadly, "I wanted to give you as much free will as I could in this crazy situation. You were already forced into this marriage. I wanted to make sure every one of you had the time you needed to adjust, and for us to get to know each other before taking that next step." she was leaning back against the wall of the shower, looking at the ceiling as she tried to collect her thoughts.

"Sex is a big deal. Sex changes everything. In our case, sex brought about a huge change in our dynamic and connected us in ways that neither one of us had imagined. Is it so wrong that I wanted to give you time and not rush you?"

"Are you sure that was the reason? Or is it that you don't trust us? Don't trust me?" She could feel Jungkook's uncertainty and it broke her heart.

"Jungkook." she said, wanting nothing more than to wrap her arms around him. Having to settle for the next best thing, she sent him the sensation of her holding him tight. "I love you. I do! There was no way I couldn't love you once we reconnected. I know you feel it, too. What we have is soul deep. Nothing will change that. I didn't want any of you to know only because I wanted to protect you. That's all. There was no other reason."

He surprised her by sending the sweet feeling of his lips on hers. She closed her eyes and lived for that feeling while it lasted. "I love you." His words whispered across her skin and covered her more completely than the water falling from the shower head.

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