Chapter 114

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The seven men sat in the living room of that airbnb, four of them in shock and three of them caught between wanting to protect their Queen and their niece, and taking care of these men that had become their brothers over the last decade.

Yoongi made a sudden movement, jumping up and running downstairs, reappearing with the envelope their wife had given them more than two months ago. They were all silent as he tore the top open and pulled out the sonogram picture of a tiny human with the words 'Bangtan Baby' written across the top with little hearts drawn on the side.

Yoongi's hand covered his mouth, and a quiet sob shook his shoulders as he took it all in. He was going to be a father. He had treated his wife so horribly, and she had been going through all of this without him.

Tae reached up and took the sonogram from him as Namjoon pulled the man into a hug, tears forming in his own eyes at the emotion his friend was showing. Tae held the photo, running his finger over the little blip as his own tears started to flow. There was a feeling growing in his chest he couldn't quite describe. This little blip was making him a father. This little blip needed him and his protection.

Jimin sat on the arm of the couch next to Tae and looked down at the picture. He knew he'd reacted badly, but he felt like he was being backed into a corner. And why were they just finding out now? He didn't know much about pregnancy, but he did know that she was pretty far along. He sighed, knowing as much as he'd like to blame her for everything, he had brought a lot of this on himself. He ran his hands through his hair for what felt like the millionth time in the last half an hour. Fuck.

Jungkook was scared. He felt like he could barely take care of himself, how was he going to take care of a baby? How in the world could he be a father right now? What was he going to do? He had been staring at the floor in front of him when Tae handed him the picture. The picture of their baby. As he looked at that little blur of a dot Jungkook felt his world tip on its axis, and he felt like the biggest asshole on the planet. He had left his wife and she had been going through all of this without him. Tears fell. How could he even start to make it up to her?

Seokjin cleared his throat to get their attention. He felt for them. He knew they weren't bad men, they'd just allowed themselves to be led in a bad direction.

"Yeppeun has an appointment in a couple of days for another ultrasound." He couldn't help the small smile when he added, "It's pretty neat to see Petal, and to hear her heartbeat."

"Yeah!" Hoseok added almost excitedly, "Seokjin-hyung bought a little machine so we can listen to her heartbeat whenever we want to. Maybe we can listen before we leave in the morning." he said optimistically.

Yoongi wiped his eyes and took a deep breath before asking, "When and where?"

"Two days after we get back. At the dorm." Seokjin answered.

"The dorm? Did you find a doctor that will travel for that?" asked Yoongi.

The three warriors looked at each other. None of them were excited about being the one to break the news to the group's biggest worrier about Yeppeun choosing a home birth with a midwife instead of going to a hospital.

The information went over just as well as they thought it would,

"What?" Yoongi's voice barked louder than it had throughout this entire ordeal, "Home birth? Is she crazy?! No. NO." He had started pacing, mumbling about not being able to handle that sort of thing.

Jungkook needed time. He got up and went down to the room he was sharing with Namjoon, wanting to be alone as he thought about everything. Not just from that night, but from the entire journey he had been on. From the moment The Muse was brought to them until this point in time. Maybe he could make sense of it all.

Jimin needed to cool down. He bundled up in his outdoor gear and went out into the cold. The crew had dispersed, so there weren't many people milling about, leaving him free to breathe in the cold air and try to clear his head. His inner musings were interrupted by Hobi. Always the caretaker, he suggested they sit in the hot tub and talk about it. Jimin needed to talk his way through his muddled brain, and he trusted Hobi. He was glad the man had been there for his wife. If anyone was going to take good care of her and the baby in his stead, it was Hoseok.

Tae couldn't sit still anymore. He needed to do something. Anything. On a whim he stood and headed to find his wife. Yoongi watched him, knowing exactly where he was going.

The Muse was sitting in the large tub, curled up as much as she could be with her head on her arms. She was trying to relax and breathe deep, and decided to check on Petal, who was sleeping at the moment. She was growing so much every day. The Muse was so lost in her thoughts while watching her daughter that she didn't hear the shuffling noises of Tae entering the bathroom. She didn't realize he was there until she felt him step into the tub behind her. Her head popped up in surprise and she turned to look at him, eyes wide. He silently slid his legs around the outside of her and wrapped his arms around his wife, pulling her back to his chest and burning his head in her neck as he started to cry.

She brought her hands up and caressed his arms while he cried it out, bringing him more comfort than she ever could have known. As the tears subsided, he moved his arms, sliding his hands down to her belly. His big hands covered most of it as he touched and caressed the bump, whispering his apologies for being an idiot and leaving her. Begging for forgiveness.

The Muse felt her own tears fall. Relief and worry. Love and pain. In that moment, she felt everything. But, more than anything, she concentrated on the feeling of her husband holding her again, and the fact that this time she wanted him to.

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