Chapter 26

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Jungkook talked Jimin into giving up his night with The Muse so she could stay with him for another night. Which was easy to do as Jimin was not quite ready to have her there. She was relieved as well. After last time, she was nervous to stay with him again. Dreading might be a better word for it. But, Jimin has been coming around, slowly but surely. She was hoping it would be better next time. Because there did have to be a next time.

   Jungkook insisted their day off together be 'naked time'. It didn't matter what they were doing. It was going to be done naked. Eating, playing games, watching movies, napping... all naked. They even devoured a whole chocolate cream pie together. He was still pretty sore from the night before, even walking with a slight limp. But he just kept saying "I regret nothing" before reaching for her again. With the added effect of being able to understand each other completely now, they spent the whole day bonding. He was no longer shy in any way with her. She had to admit, it really was the most romantic day she'd ever experienced. Not just making love to her husband at regular intervals throughout the day, it was just being held. Talking. Touching. Loving.

    Both of them were in awe at how strong and quick that emotion came on. And they spent the day wrapped up in it, and each other.

    Monday came, and that meant travel day. Jungkook and the Muse were dressed and ready to go early, meeting the others in the suite. As they walked in, Hoseok, ever the Watcher, raised an eyebrow at how Jungkook was walking. "What's wrong with you?"

Jungkook turned pink and just answered, "I found a new group of muscles. I'll be fine."

But, all eyes were on him and The Muse. He was touching her in some way at all times. Whether it be holding her hand, his arms around her shoulders or waist, or just his hand on her back, Jungkook was in constant contact. The rest of the Warriors were suspicious of how their maknae would go from not being able to look directly at her, to not being able to let go of her in the span of a day. Although Seokjin and Namjoon had knowing looks on their faces, they did not elaborate for the rest.

      Once on the airplane, Jungkook even made sure his seat was next to hers on the private flight.. When they weren't sleeping, they were sharing sweet looks and kisses and even holding hands. Being able to touch mentally was a new and wonderful thing for both of them. It was so comforting and gave them such a feeling of serenity and calmness. And Love. She wanted to fight that. It hadn't been very long. She didn't think it was right to feel such things so soon after being taken away from her other family. But, as Min-Ho was so eagerly reminding her at every opportunity, Jungkook was her soulmate. They all were. They belonged together, and completed each other the way no one else ever would or could. And she had reconnected with him. Over and over again, as Jungkook now liked to remind her. In fact, he was hinting that joining the mile high club was on his list of things to do.

    Thank god he hadn't figured her weakness out. No matter how often Min-Ho had tried sneaking it into conversations with them, none of her Warriors had truly figured out or understood that if they physically touched her with the intention of having sex, no matter where or when, she would not have the ability to say no. Sejong thought that was a fail safe he needed to have in place. She trusted her Warriors. She knew they were good men. But she was also afraid of having that used against her. Like now. If Jungkook truly thought they could get away with it, she would absolutely go to the bathroom with him, no questions asked. She was also compelled to go to them if they held their hand out to her. She didn't think that one was as dangerous. But, she was not going to share it with them.

    Chicago was cold and rainy. She froze in the stupid dress and heels Min-Ho made her wear that day. She had taken her hair down to cover the hard nipples that would be difficult to miss if she didn't cover them. She was a bit too independent to ask her Warriors for one of their hoodies or jackets. They would be cold if she took one from them right now, anyway.

The Muse was sitting on Jungkook's lap, soaking up his warmth in a side lounge, away from the public, waiting for their cars to arrive, when Yoongi approached her. She looked up at him and smiled. It was rare for him to seek her out like that.

"Hey," she said with a smile. "What's up? Do you want to sit with us while we wait?"

Shaking his head he said "You are cold." pointing at the goosebumps all over her arms.

"I'm ok." she said, "We won't be outside long. And I'm sure the cars will be warm." as she made double sure her hair was covering her chest.

Yoongi shook his head, took off his leather jacket, and pulled her up to stand. "You wear so little. You need more." He pressed against the front of her as he wrapped his jacket around her shoulders. She loved the smell of his cologne. That moment of closeness had his hot breath on her cold neck. She shivered. Yoongi backed up just enough to be able to look into her eyes. Neither said a word. They just continued to stare into each other's eyes. Jungkook broke the moment, visibly upset that she didn't tell him she was cold. "I would have given you my hoodie!" he said. "Please, tell me when you need something, Yeppeun. I am sometimes not good at noticing things like that, and I need your help." He pulled her back onto his lap, wrapped his arms around her and kissed the side of her neck. She looked at his sweet face and apologized, promising to do better about communicating her needs to him. He smiled sweetly, ran one hand into her hair and kissed her.

The surprised exclamation of "Oh My God! You had sex with her!" from Hoseok broke them apart. "Is that why you can't walk right? Oh My God! You got hurt having sex?" After a round of "Sssshhhhhh" from everyone in the room, Jungkook answered him with a simple "I regret nothing." She felt a wave of jealousy, and she was afraid of what her other husbands would think or say, but she couldn't help but giggle at Jungkook's cocky reaction.

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