Chapter 53

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Yoongi spun his wife around and took in her appearance. He looked... Ferocious, as the nightgown was unceremoniously ripped over The Muse's head and thrown across the room. She gasped at the wild look in his eyes as he moved her to the bed and pushed her down on it, holding up a finger telling her to hold still. He pulled the chair from the desk and sat in front of her as she pulled her legs up and knees together.

"Oh no, Yeppeun." he said as he grabbed her knees and pushed them apart, exposing her wet center to him. He roughly yanked on her legs until her bottom was at the edge of the bed, right where he wanted her. "You will not close yourself off from me in any way, ever again." he ran a finger down the center of the wetness, his eyes boring into hers, "Do you understand me?"

She nodded, squirming at his touch. She needed more.

He leaned in as he kept the eye contact, "Do you want this, Yeppeun? Do you want me to taste you again?" she nodded vigorously and let out a needy little whine, knowing full well what that did for him. Being inside Yoongi's head, The Muse knew what drove him wild. And, her needing him in every way possible truly did it for him.

As he licked and teased, tasted and tormented her into orgasmic madness, he felt his anger ebb. He needed this time with her just as much as she needed it with him.

When he couldn't take anymore, he shed his clothes and moved her up the bed to lay her head on a pillow. He had intended on letting loose his ferocious nature on her, but in the end found that he needed tender touches and sweet kisses. He reached out and touched minds with his wife as he slid inside, connecting them in every way they could possibly be connected.

The Muse had expected Yoongi to go hard and fast, but instead was brought to near tears at how beautiful the night ended up being. They were together. Linked. Connected. They moved as one, and spent the night in each other's arms.

The next morning they were showered and ready to go early since they didn't sleep at all the night before. They had a large breakfast that ended with her straddling his lap, their kisses getting more and more passionate. Yoongi was trying to hold himself in check, knowing that it would be time to go soon, but he was thoroughly loving this time he had with his wife in his arms. He knew she was a distraction, but he felt like he needed her in his life. He loved her.

With a few more little nibbles on her lips, he pulled back, "We need to stop," he chuckled. "We have to leave soon." He didn't stop her when The Muse leaned in for more kisses. She loved Yoongi's kisses. His lips were so soft, but the things they could do to her were incredible.

  The inevitable knock from the managers came at the door, and with a large pout, she was forced to get off of his lap. The Muse was feeling particularly needy, wanting not only their mental connection, but also to physically touch Yoongi in some way at all times. Hold his hand, wrap her arms around him, plaster her body against his. Whatever she could do at the time. He was not bothered at all by this attention, and even encouraged it when they got to the suite by pulling her into his lap and held her tight by wrapping his arms around her in a very proprietary manner.

She tried hard not to cover him with kisses while they were surrounded by people, but it was difficult. She was rubbing her nose on his cheek while whispering naughty things in his ear when Jimin arrived. He came over to take his wife, but Yoongi wasn't having it.

"Come on, Hyung. You got to stay with her all night. I need to say good morning to our wife."

Yoongi conceded to that point and, after one last kiss, let Jimin take her to sit on his lap. She was still in his head, though. And that made him feel like he still had her in his arms.

"Did you sleep well, Love?" The Muse asked her Jiminnie as she rubbed her lips softly across his, leaving little nibbling kisses here and there. Having her attention made him smile big, as he entered her mind, "I wish we were alone, Yeppeun. I miss you. I want to hold your naked body to mine. I want to make you moan my name. I want to lick every little part of that pussy and then I want to fill it until there's no more room and my cum leaks out."

Her breathing was getting erratic as Jimin spoke into her head. The thought of any one else in the room leaving completely as she moved to straddle his lap.

Yoongi's "Yah!" was what brought her back to her surroundings. She blushed and giggled, slapping Jimin on his shoulder as he smiled devilishly at her. He gifted his wife with a sweet kiss, and said "We can explore that thought later, baby."

With a slam of the door, Taehyung and Hoseok announced their arrival. Still puffy with sleep, Tae trudged over to where his wife was on Jimin's lap and sat down next to the couple. With an extra pout on his face he reached over and pulled her to him and laid over as far as he could on the couch, nuzzling into her neck as he went. The Muse chuckled and ran her fingers through his hair.

"Come on, Love. We are flying out in a little bit. You need to be at your airport best."

Taehyung smiled at that, slipping into her mind he sent images of their last flight. Of how she looked perched on the sink in the bathroom, biting her lip, trying so hard to not make any noise as he stretched her so deliciously. In and out. Again, her body had no other need than that of the man touching her. She moved just enough that Tae groaned and pulled her in tighter.

"Tae, let the poor girl go." Hoseok was the sensible one. He'd been watching from the corner, and decided to save his Queen from the horny clutches of this husband. He did wonder why she didn't pull away. Hoseok had seen many instances when she would shy behind them, not wanting extra attention. And this behavior was definitely going to get extra attention.

He helped her out of Tae's clutches and steered her away from the other two husbands, looking like sharks ready to strike. He had gotten her over by the snack table when Jungkook came in, followed by Seokjin and Namjoon.

Jungkook made a beeline to The Muse, wrapping his arms around her from the back and kissing just behind her ear before whispering to her. She turned a pretty shade of pink and leaned back into him, grinding her bottom into his groin a little as Jungkook tightened his hold on her. Hoseok was again curious at her actions. It seemed so unlike her.

Hoseok was distracted from his musings when one of the managers began the short meeting, going over the plan for the days' travel. As the meeting wrapped up, he looked back over at Jungkook and Yeppeun. They looked like a normal couple now. Yes, he had his arms around her and she was leaning into him, but there was no grinding or anything else even mildly explicit. They looked sweet now. Interesting change.

Their first flight was long, as most are. Everyone seemed to be sleeping in their first class accommodations. Hoseok had slept well the night before, so he was watching a movie when he saw Yeppeun head to the bathroom. He was a little surprised when he saw Taehyung get up and wait outside the bathroom door. But Hoseok's eyebrows hit his hairline when he saw her open the door and try to come out, only to have Tae grab her and usher her back inside with him. What were they doing? If they were doing what he thought they were doing, it was dangerous and risky. What if someone caught them? It would be international news! He took a moment to look around and see if anyone else was paying attention. He didn't see anyone else that was awake.

   It was 10 or 15 minutes later when he saw Yeppeun emerge from the airplane's bathroom, red faced and shy, looking at nothing but the floor as she made her way back to her seat.

Tae came out a minute later, looking cocky and proud of himself. Hoseok caught his eye as he made his way to his assigned seat. Tae smiled wide and winked at him before sitting down and, apparently, going back to sleep.

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