Chapter 109

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The Muse had no choice but to sit and watch the men put the campsite together. Parked in a field that had a beautiful view of a mountain range and a river running by it, they popped open their beers after a long day of travel and trekking and focused on putting it all together.

Tae grabbed a bottle and held it out to her, "Beer, Yeppeun?"

Shaking her head and holding up her water, she said "No thanks. I'm good."

Tae cocked his head to the side as he put the beer back, curious as to why she would say no. He knew she liked that beer, they'd had it before.

    The sun was setting as she wandered down toward the water. Having nothing she was allowed to do, The Muse decided to explore a little bit. The production crew's camp was set up closer to the water, so she was never too far away from anyone as she checked out her surroundings.

Her Warriors all checked on her as she munched on her veggie snacks and looked at the water. She'd always liked water. It was soothing.

She felt Yoongi run his ghost finger down her cheek in their usual way of letting the other know that they were connecting and checking in. "Where are you Yeppeun? I can't see you."

"I'm fine." she answered. Annoyed at his intrusion.

"But where?" his worry was showing, "I can't see you anywhere."

"Yoongi." she rolled her eyes in exasperation, "Nothing has changed in the last two months. I still can't be too far away from any of you. Relax."

He paused, she could feel his hesitation before he asked, "You would tell Seokjin, Namjoon or Hoseok wouldn't you?"

"Yep." was her only answer.

He sighed, both in body and in her mind, "It's getting dark and cold, Yeppeun. Please come back by the fire."

She actually growled a little before heading back to the campsite. Yoongi was such a worry wart sometimes.

The Muse felt his relief when she made her appearance by the fire. Namjoon had put the chairs together and made sure she had one to sit comfortably while they made sure dinner was ready and the rest of the camping set up was ready. The men were all complaining about being hungry, and she smiled at her Warriors while she nibbled on her veggie snacks. She did offer a carrot stick to them, but they declined. They wanted meat, and they wanted it now.

    Dinner went well, and before they knew it, it was time to sleep. They were talking about who would sleep where and who would share what space. Tae had already gone in and fallen asleep in the RV.  Jinnie decided to sleep in the SUV. He preferred to sleep without camera's if he could get away with it.

"I'll sleep in the SUV with you, Jinnie," The Muse said quietly to him.

There was a general uproar of chivalry, but she knew she'd be more comfortable in a space away from her husbands. They took everything out of the SUV and laid the seats down. Tae had blown up a little mattress thing that fit perfectly in the back. Tired and ready to be away from the cameras, The Muse crawled in the back and made room for Jinnie.

"You know," he wagged his eyebrows at her, "If we get cold, I've heard that skin on skin contact will save our lives."

Laughing, The Muse snuggled up to him, "Are you feeling cold, Warrior?"

Chuckling in that knowing manner a man has when he knows he's about to have sex, Jinnie lowered his voice and said, "Freezing. Can my Queen warm me up?" as he slid over her body, careful to keep his full weight off of her belly, and kissed her. It was a bit of a dance to take off their pants in the confining space, but they made it work. It wasn't long before the windows were fogged over and the SUV was rocking back and forth, the metal parts squeaking as it moved.

    In the tent, Yoongi laid with his eyes open, listening to the SUV move, knowing full and well what was happening inside of it. His chest hurt. Why wouldn't she let him get close to her now? He should be the one making love to her in the outback of New Zealand. He should have her in his arms, but she would barely have an actual conversation with him. A stray tear leaked from the side of his eye and dripped down onto his ear as he rubbed absentmindedly at his aching heart. He needed this situation to be fixed as soon as possible.

    God. Why had he listened to the managers? Why did he let them drive a wedge between himself and his wife? She was right. They hadn't given her a choice. They hadn't even talked to her about any of it. Those days that the managers had sat them down for meeting after meeting about how they needed to separate from her, she felt it. Yeppeun had asked them time after time if everything was ok and if they wanted to talk about it. But they all kept telling her it was all ok. There was nothing to stress about or be afraid of.

     And then they dropped the bomb on her. And dropped her. He sighed deeply. They really had done everything she had accused them of. They hadn't talked to the other members or her beforehand, and that wasn't fair at all. If he was on the other side, he'd be pretty pissed off, too.

    It took Yoongi a long time to finally fall asleep that night. His mind was going crazy with what he thought he needed to do to win his wife back. Plus, it was annoying that Seokjin, Hoseok and Namjoon were sleeping with her. He understood Yeppeun needed the touch, and needed the sex to be ok, but that didn't stop him from being unhappy with the other men.

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