Chapter 28

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(This is gonna have Bumblebee and Jack's point of view along with Glitch 66)

-Glitch 66's Point Of view- 

I was taken to a holding cell for some questions, I knew that they wouldn't trust me but I told them what they wanted to know and I left out the part where I was Unicron's creation. the humans called Miko and Raf along with the bots Arcee and Bumblebee asked me questions.

"Who are you?" Arcee asked, narrowing her optics at me, Bumblebee put a servo on her shoulder plate and she only nodded before turning her attention back to me.

"Glitch 66, Megatron's former second in command." I reply as I stare into her optics, I glance at Bumblebee who was looking at me with a blank expression.

"Former?" Raf asked as he looked down at a tablet he had, I only nodded which confused the boy even more making me curious.

"Its says here that you still are in the decpeticon database." Raf explained, looking at me.

Miko and Arcee looked at the tablet screen then look at me, I glance at Bumblebee who was still looking at me. I wanted to know why but got a guess since I helped Optimus and Jack escape, I think he wanted to know why I did what I did or if I could be trusted fully.  would do that same if someone else was in my position.

"The decepticons must think I was captured or think I'm not aboard the ship currently. I could personally send a message to them saying I'm done with them and give you my comlink to dispose of it." I say calmly making Arcee look down to Miko and Raf.

"What else do you know about Megatron's plan?" Miko asked.

"He wants to kill both Optimus and Bumblebee clearly. He captured Optimus then he wanted to capture Bumblebee, he wanted to kill Bumblebee infront of Optimus then kill the prime. He wanted to get his revenge but didn't say what he was going to do afterwards." I replied.

The cybertronians looked at each other, the humans and Arcee then looked to Bumblebee who looked down a bit then he finally turned his gaze to me. I looked into Bumblebee's optics as he looked into my eyes.

"Why did you help Optimus and Jack, it doesn't make any sense to me." Bumblebee asked as he stared into my eyes, I stared into his optics.

"Lets just say Prime has a way with words." I reply.

The humans and bots soon left, Bumblebee only nodded to me before he left. I was left alone in the room as I got up from my chair and sat on the floor in the far corner as I closed my eyes and began to meditate.

-Bumblebee's Point Of View-

I waited was up top of base, thinking to myself. I was still confused on why Glitch 66 decided to help Optimus and Jack escape. It didn't add up, I hoped it wasn't a trick to get us all captured and eventually killed. I just got my sire back, even if we were together for a year on Earth. I didn't even know he was my father and I started to feel slight anger toward Optimus.

Why didn't he tell me? Why did he keep it from me? Why don't I remember anything from the past on Cybertron? Why do I only know the early parts of the war on Cybertron?

I wanted to get answers, I NEEDED answers. I wanted to know the answers to all my questions, I wanted all of this to be over. Then I thought of something, Megatron's plan. He told me that everything would go away if i turned myself in and that he killed Optimus. I wanted to know if everything would stop if I did.

I sighed heavily and looked to the floor as I thought, I wanted to clear my head but all I could think about was my questions, my sire, and if I could make a deal with Megatron. A deal that I would die and he would leave the others alone if I turned myself in. I wondered if he would keep his promise or kill Optimus anyway, he might even kill the other Autobots on Earth including Ratchet and Arcee. I couldn't let that happen, I knew I couldn't. I loved Arcee and would hate to see her harmed.

I stayed outside as I tried my best to think about everything at once or at least try and keep my thoughts in check. But I knew that deep down that everntualy I would have to talk to Optimus, talk to Arcee, and maybe, just maybe, Megatron.

-Jack's Point Of View-

I opened my eyes a little as I started to regain conciousness. I felt nothing but pain in my one arm and all over my chest. Strangely I only saw out of one of my eyes, the other side was dark and blurry. I attempted to sit up but recoiled in pain as I laid myself back down on the bed I was in.

I noticed a mirror to the other side of me and looked to the side as I saw myself laying on a bed. I had a cast on one of my arms, bandages that had slight blood on them and a large gash on my leg and chest that must have needed air. I noticed my eye and saw the fresh cut that went through my eye, my eye was nothing but a light grey and slightly dark where my pupils used to be.

What happened to me? What did Megatron do to me?

I groan as I looked back up at the ceiling, my whole body was in pain and I only seemed to remember receiving pain and getting there onto Megatron's warship. I was personally suprised to see the warship after all this time, I only saw the warship in transmissions once Cybertron was restored. I only been on there a few times in person.

My eyes moved to the door that opened, I saw Arcee's holoform, Miko, and Raf enter my room. I felt myself smile a bit as they all look relieved to see me wake, coming to me. Miko and Raf came over to one side of my bed, Arcee came to the other with a small smile.

"How you feeling Jack?" Miko asked with a small smile, Raf nodded and smiled a little as well.

"Better than I was bet." I joked a little as I smiled a bit.

They all chuckled a bit, then grew serious as I winced a bit from my eye. Arcee said that Optimus was the one to save me and I knew that I needed to thank him once I was able. 

"Is he okay?" I asked with a straight face.

They all stayed silent which worried me, it was a good few minuted before Raf spoke.

"Ratchets doing the best he can along with the other medics here. Optimus has a lot of wounds, most aren't deep but the ones that are, are very deep. His spark was exposed and he passed out when we got back to base, he hasn't woken up yet." Raf informed me.

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"A few days." Arcee said as she looked down then back up at me, I knew she felt guilt.

I nodded and looked back at the ceiling, feeling weak and still the pain that had seemed to spread more throughout my body. Arcee noticed and told Miko and Raf to let me rest as they all started to leave.

"Don't blame yourself 'Cee. It wasn't your fault." I said before she left, Arcee looked at me and gave me a soft smile as she nodded to me before leaving the room, turning the light off.

I laid on the bed for a bit before I closed my eyes, letting sleep consume me.

Hope you liked this! Bye! Thanks for all the support!

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