Quarantine Special Part 1

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(Okay sorry that the next few updates aren't updates since i'm thinking of ideas for the last final chapters, yes you heard me! The lost scout will soon come to an end!! I will finally complete a book! Finally XD. I am thinking of ideas about how to complete the story, i know for sure i'll have 5 most chapter or maybe 6 so a heads up! ON WITH THE QUARANTINE SPECIAL PART 1)

Me- turns on video cam and smiles at the kids* Hey guys!


Jack- yeah too bad theres quarantine in Jasper

Raf- I bet the bots are worried and confused.

Me- speaking of the bots! I can add them!

Miko- YES!

*another video cam comes on showing the Autobots*

Ratchet- Curse human technology...

Miko- good to see you too Ratch!

Arcee- why is Jasper under "Quarantine?"

Me- the Corona Virus is taking over! So we are under Quarantine so no one can be out or you get a fine or something.

Optimus- So you cannot come over to base even if we are not human?

Raf- yeah, if cops see even a few cars that don't have an important job like June since shes a nurse.

Smokescreen- man I want to take a nice drive but I can't even do that! This quarantine sucks!!

*A cam comes on showing the decepticons on the other end*

Knockout- tell me about it!!!

Ratchet- what are the CONS DOING HERE!!

Me- I invited them

Optimus- why may I ask?

Me- because I can and you guys can't make me take them off

Megatron- I like this human....shes feisty

Me- thanks Megs!

Starscream- HA!!

Megatron- shut up starscream you pest-wait...WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!!!

Miko- I thought we dubbed his name Lord Bucket Head

Raf and Jack- try hard not to laugh

Megatron- -_- *looks seriously annoyed*

Arcee- I still don't like the cons here, they can't be trusted. 

Ratchet- I agree what if Soundwave tries to hack into our feed and find our location!?

Me- Don't worry Doc Bot, Soundwave can't hack into the feed since I'm a hacker too and can keep him out even if he tries to.


Raf- I didn't know you were a hacker!

Me- I don't show it, how do you think I open those tall ass doors in base!!

Optimus and Ratchet- language

Me- you guys are like over protective dads....

Jack- wait now that I think about it, what is your relationship to the cons and bots?

Miko-  yes tell us everything!

Me- no, I don't have to say anything!

Optimus- please? It could clarify a lot we don't know...

Me- grumbles* fine I guess I can tell you a little....get ready boys and girls

*everyone grew silent*

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