Chapter 24

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-Jack's point of view-

I groaned in pain, my head was throbbing hard. I wanted to make it go away. I was hanging from the ceiling still in my armor, my weapons were taken, alone with my secret compartment weapons I stored. There has to be a way out.

"Come on Jack, think!" I thought as I kept the chains.

They felt hard but I can tell the chains have been used too many times. They might have a weakness. I stated to yank on the one on my right side, it seemed to be more weak in strength. I bit down on my lip so I wouldn't yell over the pain I felt around my body. It was agony.

"Come on.." I said quietly to myself as I continued to yank on it.

Then the door opened, I went limp making it look like I was unconscious. But I kept my ear sharp.

"How long until he wakes up?" I heard Starscream answer.


This voice I didn't recognize. I listened harder to catch the voices name.

"I still can't believe Megatron made you second in command...your..." Starscream seemed to have fear and hatred for this mystery person.

"Human?" The voice replied with a chuckle.

I was curious and opened my eyes just enough for me to see them. I saw a human girl, with red and black hair. Her eyes glowed a dark red along with her suit she had on. Her cloak was all ripped and tattered but it added to her costume.

"Assassin." I thought to myself as I watched her more.

Then her fist glowed black and purple, her eyes glowed more fiercely along with parts of her suit. Starscream gasped and backed up slightly, his wings going down, his eyes big with fear.

"I'm no where close to being human. I was created by darkness itself. Unlike you, I know where my loyalty lies and when to keep my mouth shut. If Megatron didn't need you he would as me to kill you. Or he would do it himself. Don't underestimate me, I'll rip out your spark in a second." She growled as she lightly glitched.

Starscream nodded in fear. She stopped glitching and her eyes turned back to normal, the black and purple disappeared.

"Thank you for the reminder, Glitch 66." Starscream whimpered, leaving.

Glitch 66 looked in my direction, I kept my eye close to being closed. She stared at me for a second before she left, the door closing with a hiss behind her.

I breathed out lightly, looking at the chain. She was second in command to Megatron? That's a first. Usually Soundwave or Starscream would take that position. She's human but she isn't, she is different and powerful.

I was confused on why she was created and who created her. I need to find out more about her. To see who she really is, what she is, how powerful she is, who her creator is. Everything. I need to find out who Glitch 66 is and fast.

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