Chapter 1

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Bumblebee's Point of View

I watched as Optimus smiled down at us, then he blasted into the sky. He dived and shot into the hole that led to the core of Cybertron, Primus.

My eyes started to water slightly, I always thought of Optimus like a father to me, now he was gone. I had my voice back, but this felt like I was loosing again.

I managed to get behind the group and was about to sneak off when a servo was paced lightly on my shoulder. I turned to find Knockout, the newest Autobot who changed sides for all of Primus knows why.

"What?" I say in whisper, hoping to not bring attention to myself.

"Where are you going?" He asks in whisper.

At least he knew how to whisper, he's usually so loud for a mech.

"Leaving, what do you think?" I say.


I groaned and look at him in the optics. Knockout gave me desperate optics wanting to know.

"I need to go away for a while. To think..." I say looking down.

"Is it about..." Knockout didn't continued and I just nodded.

A few tears running down my face plate. Knockout brought me into a quiet hug to not draw attention.

"I'll not tell, your secrets safe with me.." He whispers in my audio receptors.

"Thanks, Knockout." I say as I transform to my vehicle form.

He nodds and looks back to everybody. I smiled and drove off.

-Later that day-

-Arcee's Point of View-

I looked around for Bumble bee, I knew he had to be a little sad about seeing Optimus go. I wanted to make sure he was OK.

I turned a corner and bumped into Knockout, I grumbled under my breath. I still didn't trust him.

"Have you seen Bee?" I ask.

"Nope, haven't seen him." He says.

I glare at him and walk passed him. I was wasting my time.

"Actually..." I heard him say.

I turn and stared at him, he was silent for a moment, before responding.

"He...went to go think....alone." Knockout says.

"Where?" I ask putting my servos to my hips.

"I don't know, he just said he was gonna think for a while, I'm sure he will be back by tommorow." Knockout says.

I glare at him one more time before turning. I walked to my berth room and paced around at least 30 times.

I finally sat down and looked at the ceiling. There was a note?

I stood and grabbed it. I opened it and read it.

Dear Arcee,
If your reading this it means.....I left for whatever reason. I kept this hidden just in case if you read this before something bad happened to me or anyone else. Well back to the point. I won't be coming back......
If you look for me, you won't find me. Only the one who has been there for me on Cybertron during the war and before it.
I will miss all of you and our fun times together, while kicking some Con tail pipe!

Love, Bumblebee

No! He can't be gone! Why didn't I see this! I ran outside to where the bots were.

"Bumble bee's gone!" I say.

They look at me with shock and I just hand them the note. They read it and gave it back to me.

"We have to find him!" Smokescreen said.

"How? This is like finding a needle in a haystack! He could be anywhere by now!" Bulkhead said.

Right. He would be at least a cycle away. Then I thought of an idea.

"Try his com! We might be able to reach him and get a hold of his signal." I say.

Ultra Magnus nodded and went to his ship. We followed close behind and huddled in his small ship. He glared at us, but got to work.

"Bumble bee this is Ultra Magnus, tell us where you are!" He says.


"Bumble bee I repeat, where are you?" He repeats.

Still Static.

"He must have shut his com link off." Wheeljack says.

"Wait, were getting something!" Ultra Magnus shushed us.

We listened and heard an engine driving away. It slightly echoed.

"Sounds like he's driving away." Bulkhead says as we listened closer.

"Where is his com link at?" Ratchet asked.

I completely forgot about him being there.

"Near the old Omega Lock that was destroyed." Ultra Magnus said to us.

I transformed quickly and drove off. Smokescreen and Knockout did the same and we're next to me. The others did the same, but were slightly farther away.

We needed to find him and make sure he was safe. We needed to bring him home.

How did you like the first chapter!!!! Comment and Vote!!!
I hope this is good!

Megatron- What are you doing?

Me- I'm on my Wattpad

Megatron- What is Wattpad?

Me- I'll explain later! Now leave me alone!

Megatron- Get off your Wattpad thing and help me with some business with the Autobots.

( Oh and my decepticon name is Night Strike just to inform you!)

Comment and vote!


Me- I gtg, Megatron gets angry when he's ignored!!!!

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